
Hi everybody;

My name is Lucas, I'm from Buenos Aires - Argentina. I work for an energy company as a software developer. Since I tried Linux in 2010 ( Ubuntu Lucid Linux 10.04 to MINT 10 Kde), I adopted as my personal OS. Unfortunately, the company insists using this macro-virus called Windows. Nobody is perfect.

I live in a big crowded city with 6 millions of people, this is the city where I borned, growed, studyied and work, but frankly I preffear small cities, near the sea if it is possible. I love the sea and I always visit beaches on holidays.

And this week (August 29 2011) I'm buying my new used car. I hope to have good luck.

Title Score
13 years ago What can I do when Monodevelop 2.4 hang up. 0
Software reviews
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