Sabaki Chuck R. Bell
United States

I'm a sixth-generation native Texan, born and raised in Odessa, Texas, and currently living in Irving, Texas.

I'm an Free and Open Source Software advocate and developer, systems manager, and administrator. My current favourite Linux distribution is Linux Mint.

My first personal computer was a Radio Shack TRS-80 Model I based on the Z80 Micorprocessor. I still have my old Radio Shack Model IVP.

I wrote and developed software for CP/M, DOS, Windows, Novell Netware and several other operating systems.

I have an FCC Radiotelephone license and an Associates degree in electronics from Odessa College in Odessa, Texas and have worked in telecommunications for several major corporations on local and wide-area data communications and voice networks, PBXs, etc. I administered Novell and Windows networks for several years as well.

I got started with Linux using Slackware 3.4 back in 1997 and completely replaced Windows with Linux on all my personal computers and haven't run Windows on any of my own computers since about 1998.

I have helped countless friends and associates get started with Linux and have been very active in a number of Linux Users Groups over the years.

I am a founding member of the International Association of Scientologists, am a trained Level II Auditor (counselor) and recently completed the Philadelphia Doctorate Course. I am currently on the post-graduate courses at the Church of Scientology of Dallas, Texas. I'm very active in promoting Dianetics and Scientology and help support various groups in applying this technology such as Applied Scholastics, the Scientology Volunteer Ministers, The Citizens Commission on Human Rights, Narconon, Criminon, and The Way to Happiness Foundation.

I also like to play the ancient oriental board game called Japanese Go, and have played in many tournaments, and on-line on various 'Go servers'.

And I'm an Eagle Scout.

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