Phrosztbyte In hoc signo vinces
United States

I am a computer science student, aspiring writer and ethical Hacker attending ITT Technical Institute in Torrance, California. I like learning, and study foreign languages, physics/chemistry, history, art and poetry, mathematics and pretty much anything. I speak German and am studying Japanese. I also speak a little Spanish, Russian, French, Latin, Italian and Arabic in differing amounts. I was born in Salt Lake City, Utah, but have lived in Los Angeles for most of my life.

I have been using Linux since 1998 when I saw a Red Hat Linux 6.0 box at a store and bought it. I have never looked back. I still have Windows 7 installed because I need it for school (some of my school software doesn't play nice with Wine or KVM), but I hardly ever use it except for school. Like Linus said, Microsoft is better at making money than making operating systems. Like many people I've come across, I feel even worse about anything made by Crapple (aka Apple) and particularly detest their Macintrash line of refuse, and their iGroan mobile phones. I am aware many people have been brainwashed into thinking they make good products, and this makes me sad. Flashy design and high prices don't make good software or hardware.

I discovered Ubuntu Linux in 2011, and loved it. The only problem was it lacked any sort of multimedia support without installing it all by hand, and I abhorred the Unity desktop, so I headed to Distrowatch and found Linux Mint. I was in love! In my humble opinion Linux Mint is the best distribution of the best OS ever written. I also like several other distros, and have Fedora and Gentoo and FreeBSD installed on various other systems, but for everyday use I most often choose LM KDE. I like most of the major desktops and use GNOME, Cinnamon, MATE and Xfce occasionally in addition to my favorite desktop environment, KDE Plasma.

I am a crusader in the Order of the FOSS and I love open source and libre software, but I'm not like some users who won't even touch a proprietary driver, even if it works better, simply because it's proprietary. All software I develop has been, is and will continue to be open source, but I do believe, like LM users, that we shouldn't ignore good software only because it's not open source.

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