Remove ASCII cow from the fortunes in the Terminal

  14 years ago

With the enlightment of a reply a few edits and additions.

This is to just remove the cowsay ascii characters but still keeping the random fortunes.

To remove the cow ascii but to preserve the file just in case you have a change of heart:

Open a terminal (CTRL+ALT+T) if you haven't already.
Type in: sudo gedit /usr/bin/mint-fortune
Find the line at the bottom that looks like:
/usr/games/fortune | $command -f $cow
Make it look like:
#/usr/games/fortune | $command -f $cow
then put this at the bottom:


Thats it no more cow ASCII, and if you ever want it back to the way it was just undo what you did.

To maybe have a more permanent change but not a guarentee you could instead do the following:

Open a terminal (CTRL+ALT+T) if you haven't already.
Type in: sudo gedit /etc/bash.bashrc
Find the line at the bottom that looks like:
Make it look like:
then put this at the bottom:


Again, no more cow ASCII, and if you ever want it back to the way it was just undo what you did.

Be aware however an update may also overwrite that file as well giving you back your cow ascii.

Some of you might think why not just remove cowsay, I am one of those people. However if you remove cowsay you also remove three other packages (mint-artwork-common, mint-artwork-gnome, and mintsystem) and as of right now I am not 100% sure you want to do that as it might mess up your panels among a few other things.

blueXrider 13 years ago

As current Distro Katya this is handled via Menu> Preferences> Desktop Settings> Terminal> un-tick Show Fortune Cookies.

Not sure of earlier distros.

Vinterskog 13 years ago

It's a silly joke to make the half of GUI dependent on such nonsence.

gorade 13 years ago

First thing I do when installing Linux Mint. Deer or cow they are a thret to sanity.

mr_yurka 14 years ago

> ... if you remove cowsay you also remove three other packages...

To disable cowsay without removing it's dependencies, just open /etc/bash.bashrc :
$ sudo gedit /etc/bash.bashrc

, find the line (it's usually near the very bottom) similiar to

and comment it out:

Save, restart the terminal, and you're done!

trans 14 years ago

Which cow are you talking about?

Diego9000 14 years ago

Poor cow, i love that cow, makes the terminal so lovely T.T

remoulder 14 years ago

This will get overwritten if the file is updated.