How to auto mount disk at start-up

  14 years ago

In order to mount a partition at start-up that is not belong to Linux Mint, you have to use a package called PySDM (Python Storage Disk Manager). It would be helpful if you put your music or wallpaper in that disk and when you start your computer, all the music and picture are not played or displayed until the disk is mounted. With this package, you will enjoy all things immediately whenever you start your computer. To do this, follow the steps below:

1. Install the package 'pysdm' from Software Manager

2. Open Control Centre and find it 'Storage Disk Manager' in the System Tab. Click on it.

3. Choose which partition you want and set Default.

That's all. Now restart your computer and see the result.


eumelkiste 9 years ago

Does not work any more. PySDM missing in the SW Manager. Found advice in the comments though- thanks!

goldshirt9 9 years ago

I have a second HDD instead of a optical disk and found that in mint 17.3 the following works

Applications-system settings-removable devices(under hardware)
tick the auto mount on login -apple
works for me, nice and easy also

sirfmoyo 9 years ago

i think you go to menu (i'm using KDE) then type "disks", then use the application that comes up

princecorum 9 years ago

this did not work for me, nor did Z-dank's method, however, a comma after auto in the Fstab works on all the drives.

/dev/disk/by-label/500GB /mnt/500GB auto, nosuid,nodev,nofail,x-gvfs-show 0 0

michaldybczak 9 years ago

Doesn't work. I'm using Linux Mint 17.2 and there is no pysdm in software manager, neither in synaptic.

It seems that this tutorial is obsolete (5 years old)

However z-dank's advice seems to work. accessories->disks->windows partition->more options->edit mount options->turning off automatic mount options and leaving 'mount at startup'
Thanks :)

salehahmed985 11 years ago

how to this in petra kde?

littledeer3 11 years ago

phd21 has the best advice if you have Petra (16) or later. I just want to note that under Accessories you want to select "Disks." Great advice phd21. I can work with the terminal but a GUI is always appreciated by all.

Thank you everyone, very helpful.

hurinth 11 years ago

Its easier to do the following:

- use the root command blkid to identify the partition/device mapping
- create a folder or mount point for the new partitions using mkdir /media/ command
- add an entry to the /etc/fstab file similar to the following

UUID=1CFC4ED83424EABB8 /media/partition1 ntfs relatime,rw,user,auto,exec,udi=777,gid=777 0 0

It's all 1 line and tab or space separated columns for each partition you wish to automount. The uid and gid options indicate your user's ID and Group ID, and are meant for you to be able to share folders through Samba, otherwise the contents of the partitions can be accessed, but the ownership is set to root.root, and you can only share opening a file explorer as root. HTH

Elderry 12 years ago

I could not find PySDM in Software Manager, then I followed LinuxGreen's idea, downloaded NTFS-config. As last I was confused that does enable write support for device means I can auto mount it? For this is the only option I can find using NTFS-config.

aegeas 12 years ago

The KDE spin, which I was using till about 3 days ago, has the mount option available in System Settings. Isn't there a way to have something similar in other Mint spins? Why do we need to take all these steps with program installation or edit files? USB drives are auto mounted, why can't internal HDD do the same thing?

SpideyWebber 12 years ago

Thanks Ray Woods, the comment helped me on a different laptop.

LinuxGreen 13 years ago

I'm on Linux Debian. I downloaded NTFS Configuration Tool (from Software Manager). The icon appears in Administration. Easiest way to mount external or internal NTFS partitions

blueXrider 13 years ago

I personally have a adversity to script. So if a GUI is available to do the job then so be it.

Now! It would be nice if the author would rewrite this little tutorial and include some settings and pics so the laymen could better understand.

Just a thought


wittyar 13 years ago

I have tried that applicatinon and since I am a noob on linux I had a lot of issues with that appication. It was great until I pluggd a USB drive.
Now I have learned about how the fstab file works.
For a noob on luinux thats an application that ca make lots of issues on how to OS works.

popcola 14 years ago

OK, I am a newbie to linux. But, I have been using Linux Mint since Helena. I have to say that this tutorial is not good for the n00bs. Why? Because I installed Julia and downloaded ntfs-config to auto mount partition at boot and it didn't work. The program just would not load. So I deleted ntfs-config and ntfs-3g (didn't know that was a separate program) and had a terrible time figuring out what went wrong. I could not mount my data partition with read/write access until looking at Ubuntu forums and saw that ntfs-3g was a program that gave read/write access to ntfs files. I have this partition so I can use files in Windows and Mint. If you use this program it will tick a checkbox that sets the drive/partition as read only. I could not get it to change no matter what I did. I love Linux Mint and I think I will use this OS for as long as it is stable.

So, a better way of doing an auto mount at boot is described here or better yet here Thanks Fred, you are the man, not dirt as you say. Although Man did come from dirt. I believe everyone should read as much as they can on the operation/use of the OS as they can. I also realise that some of us don't have time to do that and that's why Linux Mint is a good choice. It just works. Thank you for a great system that's not Microsoft and is as cool as OS X.

duck 14 years ago

If you are using LMDE, install the package disk-manager from the debian repo's.

Oolong 14 years ago

I'm being picky here, but lest people get confused - it's 'Storage *Device* Manager' under *Administration*, and the thing to do appears to be to choose '*Set defaults*'.

linXea 14 years ago

I don't see the point of using PySDM. Basically it's harder than actually do it the correct way by adding mountpoint/disc etc in /etc/fstab.

efe5 14 years ago

I would go further, palimpsest could come out of the box with pysdm option to automount builted-in!!!

justin 14 years ago

@Lopau, that is why I did not disparage the tutorial - I simply said there is another way. That is not keeping "Linux closed."

Lopau 14 years ago

@justin: I now know it's "just" an entry in the /etc/fstab file, but if you are a noobie these kind of automatisms are always welcome, unless you want to keep linux closed to the expert community.

justin 14 years ago

Please note you don't "need: this software - all it is doing is making an entry into the /etc/fstab file. This can be done manually as well without much difficulty.

Lopau 14 years ago

It's that easy? I have a NTFS partition auto-mounting on start-up, but I've gone another road.
Maybe some day I post the tutorial...

I agree with RayWoods, this should come with Mint.

RayWoods 14 years ago

Just one quick addition, I had to create a share on the drive as root before I could use it.

Open up the file system in Nautilus and right click on media - Open as Root. Right click on "the new drive" and create a share.

RayWoods 14 years ago

This application should be within the standard set up. For those of us who have multiple disk drives in our boxes it is just great. Automatic detection of disk drives in Windows is just taken for granted, so why not in Linux? This is a good first step along this road. Thanks!