8 years ago Architecture: amd64 Type: Cinnamon Status: Rejected |
Oui je sais, ca sera resolu dans la prochaine update de nemo (c'est corrige dans git deja).
Pour Clem :
Suite au maj, désormais les raccourcis sur le bureau fonctionne
Concernant la traduction qui était incomplète sur le menu du clique droit sur le bureau, j'ai vu que tu as corrigé aussi, par contre il reste encore 1 ligne en anglais : "Desktop Settings"
exploder: Can you install inxi in Ubuntu MATE and run inxi -Nx there as well? That way we can see if there's any difference, which driver it's using etc etc..
Looking at the web here, I see a lot of people having issues with their Ralink RT3290 under Ubuntu.
No, i don't think, Cinnamon does not support the hardware, for wifi card it's the linux kernel and wifi driver (=ubuntu 16.04)
test with Mint Mate Edition and with Ubuntu Unity 16.04 for see if it's the same and i have your wifi problem on a another computer with Ubuntu Mate..
Pour Clem : je viens de voir que la traduction française n'est pas totalement terminé, quand on fait un clique droit sur le bureau, il y a certaine option encore écrite en anglais comme tu peux le voir sur cette capture (alors que c'est bien en français sur la 17.3) :
(et sinon il y a toujours le problème de raccourci qui s'affiche pas sur le bureau si ils sont crée depuis le menu).
The HP 655 had no problems with Ubuntu Mate 16.04 x64, the WiFi always worked. That points to a problem with Cinnamon in my opinion.
My Lenovo G70-35 does have problems with all 16.04 releases, the WiFi drops at random... The Lenovo will remain using Windows 10 because I must have working WiFi at all costs.
The HP laptop is really my only hope of running Linux right now....
Le problème de wifi qui se désactive quand on reboot, c'est pas lié a Mint, je l'ai eu sur un autre pc et ça le fait même avec d'autre distribution qui n'ont rien a voir comme ArchLinux et Debian. Je pense que le wifi sous Mint 18 est géré exactement comme Ubuntu 16.04. Le problème de exploder est ailleurs, il n'est pas lié a Mint.
(Your Wifi problem Exploder is not related to Mint, I observed on another computer with another linux (archlinux and debian). It's a Hardware problem).
Linux Mint 18 = Ubuntu 16.04 for wifi network. "ubuntu mate" : same problem on some computer.
On my main computer : no problem wifi
On my old computer : wifi offline if i reboot (with ArchLinux, Mint et Ubuntu Mate)
(depends on the hardware)
Clem, I tried the newer kernel and all the update with no luck. Here is the output of the command.
Network: Card-1: Realtek RTL8111/8168/8411 PCI Express Gigabit Ethernet Controller
driver: r8169 v: 2.3LK-NAPI port: 2000 bus-ID: 03:00.0
Card-2: Ralink RT3290 Wireless 802.11n 1T/1R PCIe
driver: rt2800pci v: 2.3.0 bus-ID: 04:00.0
I reinstalled my former OS for the moment because having a working WiFi is critical for me right now. It acts like a sort of timing issue for lack of a better description. The WiFi works perfect under Ubuntu Mate 16.04 so the base system supports the hardware.
The Wifi works from a cold boot from the installed system, it the laptop has been off for a few minutes. The Wifi never works from the live disk or if I reboot.
exploder: Use mintupdate -> View -> Kernels to install the newer kernel (or apply the level 5 update from the main view), to see if that helps with your wifi issue.
Also, paste the output of inxi -Nx
Thanks for testing the ISOs over the weekend. I edited some of the test cases you mentioned.
I can reproduce the issue with the desktop shortcuts.
#048 Of course the image magic shortct does not work but it will not be showing anyway.
Linux Mint 18 / Cinnamon Edition - bilan sur pc portable ASUS :
- récupération fichier iso : OK
- création clé bootable avec commande dd : OK
- installaton lagacy avec home séparé : OK
- langue FR : OK
- Applications : OK
- Réseau RJ45 & Wifi : OK
- Raccourci sur bureau : FAIL => les raccourcis ne fonctionnement pas depuis le menu quand on fait "clique droit" sur l'application => "Ajouter sur le bureau"
- Affichage des wallpapers : OK
- Support Optimus (intel/nvidia) : Ok
- Maj via interface ou en ligne de commande : OK
exploder : no problem for kernel meta package, it's normal (new update kernel appears with default policy update "optimize stability/security" (but update is hide for "don't break my computer" => https://www.linuxmint.com/tmp/blog/3017/mintupdate3.png )
cpatrick08 : no gedit, there is already "xed" currently (Xed 1.0.5)
Gave a warning for the kernel meta package, however I think it is supposed to be present in this release because of the changes to mint update.
1er bug découvert Clem : sur la Cinnamon Edition, quand on veux ajouter un raccourci sur le bureau depuis le menu (clique droit sur l'appli => ajouter sur le bureau) ça ne fonctionne pas (alors que ça marchait sur la 17.X)
If I shut the laptop off for a few minutes the wireless works fine. If I reboot I get Wifi not available. Can anyone confirm this behaviour/
Wifi refuses to work in the installed system, it worked fine from the live disk and works perfect under Ubuntu 16.04. The installed system displays network not available. My other devices have no problem finding and connecting to the network....
# 33 LibreOffice shows a splash screen but as far as I know it always has. I passed it!
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