
APC UPS Power Management (daemon)
  8 reviews

Apcupsd provides UPS power management for APC products, including most BackUPS series models (including USB), SmartUPS V/S, SmartUPS (NET/RM), and Matrix series.

It controls and monitors the status of UPS and allows your computer to run for a specified length of time on UPS power, and then executes a controlled shutdown in the case of an extended power failure.
Latest reviews
ScubaMan-1970 2 months ago

I searched around the LINUX MINT FORUMS and found this support document (dialogue). It helped: https://forums.linuxmint.com/viewtopic.php?t=252490 ; if you really get stuck, head over to Ubuntu's support page and use a terminal-based solution! https://help.ubuntu.com/community/apcupsd

killercoke 7 months ago

It works as of this date. However, you have to configure the config file manually and fix it. If you have it connected via a USB cable go to the /etc/apcupsd/apcupsd.conf and remove the /dev/ttyS0 name on the DEVICE line. So change "DEVICE /dev/ttyS0" to just "DEVICE" and restart the service. That is annoying and took a bit to figure that out.

EdmundF 2 years ago

As usual, installed and nowhere to be found. Keep up the good work!

HXunbanned 11 years ago

Having bunch of issues for me on Petra x64 :( See my blog @ linardsliepins.wordpress.com

alaint 11 years ago

Simply the best, have it on all my servers.

efthialex 14 years ago

Good one! (y)

inhuman_4 14 years ago

Works great with my BE-750. I feel better with my investment protected.

AndrewX192 14 years ago

Works great with APC backup power UPS devices, also has networking built in. The interface isn't the greatest however.