It's not pretty but it does a good job. Could use some more options though but I really can't complain.
Need control brightness!! Like xrandr --output HDMI-0 --brightness 0.7 --gamma 0.6:0.6:0.6
Only one that worked for me - The DE's own (Gnome's and XFCE's) either didn't work or just messed stuff up. Only negative thing is, there's no pop-up asking whether you want to keep changes and that returns to previous setup after a timeout. grandr and lxrandr just messed things up and I don't remember which, biut one or the other was incomprehensible to use. It seems I can get it to work with my QBell FullHD TV only with nvidio proprietary drivers though - whether I try through VGA or HDMI, the nouveau acts like it's working: recognizes connected external VGA and/or HDMI, resolutions, even the desktop expands like there is a monitor on right of my laptop, but all I get on my TV is "no signal" - it must be a glitch in nouveau drivers somehow failing with RANDR extension.