
Simple visual front end for XRandR
  8 reviews

ARandR is a visual front end for XRandR, which provides full control over the relative positioning and rotation of monitors, as well as saving and loading to/from shell scripts.
Latest reviews
Scary_Guy 1 month ago

It's not pretty but it does a good job. Could use some more options though but I really can't complain.

FreeWebber 5 years ago

Need control brightness!! Like xrandr --output HDMI-0 --brightness 0.7 --gamma 0.6:0.6:0.6

robsku 9 years ago

Only one that worked for me - The DE's own (Gnome's and XFCE's) either didn't work or just messed stuff up. Only negative thing is, there's no pop-up asking whether you want to keep changes and that returns to previous setup after a timeout. grandr and lxrandr just messed things up and I don't remember which, biut one or the other was incomprehensible to use. It seems I can get it to work with my QBell FullHD TV only with nvidio proprietary drivers though - whether I try through VGA or HDMI, the nouveau acts like it's working: recognizes connected external VGA and/or HDMI, resolutions, even the desktop expands like there is a monitor on right of my laptop, but all I get on my TV is "no signal" - it must be a glitch in nouveau drivers somehow failing with RANDR extension.

aquaria 11 years ago

very useful program for frequent work with the second monitor or TV

xhlatky 11 years ago

Super easy

carlp101 12 years ago

Does what it says on the tin.

hexram 14 years ago

Nice to have display tweaker

pweijmer 14 years ago

very easy