Title | Score |
Software | Score |
flatpak "Just use .appimage they work a lot better." |
1 |
arandr "It's not pretty but it does a good job. Could use some more options though but I really can't complain." |
4 |
barrier "This is depreciated. Use Input Leap now: https://github.com/input-leap/input-leap" |
2 |
nut "Does take some tweaking but it's the best software that exists for it's purpose." |
4 |
nut-monitor "It needs an update, to monitor more servers at once and just because it hasn't had one in years." |
4 |
htop "Better than regular TOP" |
5 |
bitlbee "What Tar said. It's great, and it even has OTR support for XMPP. Whish OMEMO would get supported though." |
5 |
weechat "It is my go-to IRC client." |
5 |
i3-wm "I use it with MATE, but in place of Marco for composition. https://tildeho.me/i3-mate/ has a pretty good tutorial on how to do that." |
5 |