
bible study tool for Qt
  20 reviews

BibleTime is a free and easy to use bible study tool. It uses the Qt and SWORD software libraries. BibleTime provides easy handling of digitized texts (Bibles, commentaries and lexicons) and powerful features to work with these texts (search in texts, write own notes, save, print etc.) in the SWORD module format.
Latest reviews
AlexterRamirez 1 year ago

This tool is very complete but personally I think they should give it a new graphical interface.

sethwickham 1 year ago

This is probably the best Bible app on Linux. While it has an old user interface and doesn't work on Windows or macOS (at least with the most recent editions), It does have a lot of features. It has a really easy user interface, and allows for multiple translations of the Bible. While there are some minor grievances I have with this app (like that it overrides my theme preferences and uses the new cursor design), I still recomend this app to any Linux user.

ThorOdinsen76 1 year ago

I read my Book of Mormon & Bible on my phone mostly but I really like that I can also read the KJV on my Linux Laptop. Thank you so much for all your hard work in making it.

Glamtrains 4 years ago

It was only a 40MB install compared to Bible Time's roughly 800meg Flatpak install. Living in a 3rd world country makes downloads hard, which is why getting a proper off-line system is essential. Xiphos works great with the variety of works that can be installed from a menu.

OomKosie 4 years ago

Thanks for this and all the hard work you have put in. question... is it possible to add a dark theme ?

Len99 4 years ago

This is a very helpful and exhaustive product, and easy enough to use, with plenty of bibles, commentaries to choose from, personally prefer the KJV for its truth. I used eSword for many years and this is just as good.

tradnatcat 4 years ago

A robust Bible study tool similar to the excellent e-sword and even Verbum software. Ignore the one star rants from those who hate Christianity and Judaism (this includes Jewish scripture tools); this app is in Education because it contains material that has been studied for thousands of years, and writings from great men throughout history who were well educated and remain highly respected by scientists and academics both secular and religious. Men who have had significant impact on this world and its history, unlike the angry unknowns spewing their idiocy here.

lwalper 5 years ago

This is a great Bible study resource. It works well in Mint 18.3.

graham_mint 5 years ago

I'm really glad you still include BibleTime. Awesome study tool

Adrian 5 years ago

That is the best application to study Bible I ever had.

Xeropero 6 years ago

It is educational, even if you are not a Christian, simply if you are someone who wants to know more about Christianity you might check it out, so the argument that this should be removed from the Educational section shows how bias has gone so far. Please, when you write a review, write it bias-free, some people spent a lot of time writing this software, maybe not for you, but for those who are interested perhaps, so get over it, live and let live!

MikelKostov 6 years ago

Is neither Science or Education, people become stupid the more they believe this book, so please remove it from this section, entertainment or fiction would be a better loation.

jackrabbit 6 years ago

I hate how offended people are over this being put into education. Where else would this be put? It isn't office software, nor is it programming, or anything else. It is study software. There is no need to feel offended. Lets keep the reviews civil, and actually review the software at hand. As far as the software itself, I have to say it isn't bad at all. I was a little put off by how it REALLY wanted me to download the extra-biblical books such as "heretics" by Gilbert Cheterson. Not that there is anything wrong with that, but at the same time, it downloaded like 12 books and never even reached 1 percent which is a little concerning. That is quite a bit of memory to be taken up. It also froze when I cancelled it, but when I puled the software up again, it ran just fine.It does feature Bible comparisons, which is a necessary part of any Bible study software. I like how it included the Wycliff edition of the Bible (In its original middle english) and it is a ton of fun to see how much language changed even during the short period between it and the KJV. I also enjoy the free maps and references. All in all, besides a couple of performance issues, I say that this is the perfect Bible study software for fans of open source. It is well worth a download IMO. I only wish that more Church software would become open source as well. Maybe one day in the future, it will.

jastombaugh 7 years ago

Pretty useful tool. I had a bit of difficulty keeping the Old Testiment from deleting itself when using the search function. For some reason the New Testament stayed, but the Old would disappear. Thinking that it must have been something on my machine, as no one else has reported this issue. Well designed and layed out. Simple to use and it is very easy on the eyes. If this one doesn't work for you, please try Timothy Morton's Bible Analyzer 5 software. Also free, and a very powerful tool. (And please, let's keep the software reviews on the actual software. If you are a Bible skeptic, you probably don't need to be handling this kind of software. I'm sorry you can't at least appreciate the history captured in Scripture that would have gone otherwise undocumented or lost. (Thinking of the Moabites origins/existance, for example) if it wasn't for the Bible.) BibleTime is a great modular-based study tool. I'd recommend it.

linuxboxrocks 7 years ago

Spoiler -- He dies at the end.

JayNL 7 years ago

But this is neither science nor education... is there not a fiction section?

moonshot 7 years ago

Lol! mike_oxhard thinks abiogenesis and evolution are the same thing.

Mike_Oxhard 8 years ago

LOL! ismaels actually thinks that evolution of life from lifeless chemicals isn't belief without proof, a.k.a. religion.

Arcadio 8 years ago

Isaac Newton like this.

ThomasAD 9 years ago

You study what you like - I like studying the Bible and this is a great tool to do it with