
DVD authoring program with nice and clean GUI
  19 reviews

Bombono DVD is easy to use program for making DVD-Video. The main features of Bombono DVD are:
* excellent MPEG viewer: Timeline and Monitor
* real WYSIWYG Menu Editor with live thumbnails
* comfortable Drag-N-Drop support
* you can author to folder, make ISO-image or burn directly to DVD
* reauthoring: you can import video from DVD discs.
Latest reviews
pcfan5 2 years ago

Menu option configuration doesn't work, so I couldn't give it a try. Linux Mint 19.3

Renaissance_Man 3 years ago

The only difficulty I have encountered is trying to determine what size still images should be for use in the menu. Any ideas, folks?

Medina 3 years ago

Execelente! É possível criar um Menu superior ao do "DevedeNG", que é um projeto extremamente primitivo em termos de recursos para criar o Menu.

guest0561_web 4 years ago

bombono-dvd 1.2.4 for focal fossa (

elWyatt 4 years ago

Very basic, helped me to quickly burn a DVD for offline presentation on a DVD-player. No chapters, no language selection no subtitles.

unix_based_system 4 years ago

Worked perfectly for burning a .MP4 file to a DVD.

yashletn 9 years ago

Très sommaire mais fonctionne.

jstone00 9 years ago

This is the only DVD authoring program that consistently works for me on both Mint 17 32 and 64 systems. Thank you!

Kasizzle 9 years ago

This program is bullshit

esijmjg 10 years ago

the only one in linux that make thumbnails animated. Melhor para Linux DVd com menus animados.

kotopes 10 years ago

лучшая программа!

phlux 12 years ago

Converts my compressed video files to DVDs perfectly and quickly!

webreac 12 years ago

I have lost hours with ffmpeg trying to convert my videos to a format usable by microsoft movie maker. Bombono is not ergonomic, but it works perfectly (by the way, I am using mint 14 nadia 64bit). I recommand it for all simple DVD projects.

MarvinZman 12 years ago

Didn't work, crashed my system (Mint 14 - Nadia) to the point of reinstall

mlaitinen 12 years ago

What a terrible application. The GUI is counter-intuitive, I still have no clue how to add multiple video files on a single DVD, the menu creator looks like MS paint.

tnt533 12 years ago

A one stop shop for transcoding, authoring and burning. Great WYSIWYG menu creation and the entire interface is simple. Make sure to visit the website for documentation and tutorials though as the interface may be simple but not as intuitive as it could be. Highly recomended!

digitaldefector 12 years ago

After spending two hours of trying to find a simple dvd authoring program for vob files this is it. It even burns the dvd for you.

commodore128d 12 years ago

better than some commercial programs.

vandamme 13 years ago

Transcodes and burns, easy!