
PDF imposition toolkit
  3 reviews

Pdfimposer is a Python module to achieve some basic imposition on PDF documents, especially designed to work on booklets.

BookletImposer is a commandline and GTK+ interface to pdfimposer.

The bookletimposer package ships both.
Latest reviews
Attos 2 years ago

Effective and vey easy to use. I use it to print a book after editing it with OO Write. Formated pages in mirror, and then print to a pdf file. Then assembled the booklets with bookletimposer, and finally printed the end files with pdf viewer.

Ouroubors 2 years ago

Avec une imprimante recto-verso automatique, Bookletimposer est parfait pour imprimer des documents sous forme de brochure au format A5 à partir de feuille de papier A4.

prefersummer2 7 years ago

This worked well for me. It creates a new pdf with the pages in booklet order - ie when you open the new pdf and print it out (on A4) then fold pages in half you have an A5 booklet. Thankyou.