Title | Score |
Software | Score |
com.github.unrud.VideoDownloader "The extension type downloaders I've used for years no longer work. This one does, and its quick, reliable and easy. Thankyou." |
5 |
catfish "It took me a while to find a GUI search tool which can do boolean searches - and this is it. So useful. (Linux Mint Mate 22.1)" |
5 |
convertall "Reliable, easy to use, quick and reliable. Thankyou." |
5 |
gthumb "Steady honest software with useful tools. Gwenview no longer exports to html but Gthumb tools include export to Web Album." |
5 |
krename "Quick, powerful and saves a lot of time." |
5 |
caja-image-converter "Would be great if it worked and it sometimes does, but over several installations it will, more often than not, give up with this error message: xzz.jpg cannot be resized. Check whether you have permission to write to this folder." |
3 |
fonts-adf-libris "fonts-adf-libris is a very nice font. I set it as default in Libreoffice. Thankyou." |
5 |
cherrytree "I love this and use it more and more." |
5 |
converseen "I was very pleased to discover this. It is quick and easy and intuitive to use and, unlike some image viewers which do batch processing, it allows you to set the compression level for jpgs. Thankyou my good chap." |
5 |
widemargin "Quick, intuitive and easy to use with a refreshingly clear interface and easy searching. No fake translations here. Thankyou." |
5 |
zim "Useful - I have each "folder" on the left representing a real life storage container and the contents are listed and searchable. CAUTION - the search is case sensitive (on my system at least)" |
4 |
rednotebook "Great - I use this for everyday notes, phone numbers etc and can find a note from 18 months ago in a second - so useful. I wish I could remove or minimize the right hand pane though . . . and now a few versions later I can - thankyou! It is so useful to have multiple shortcuts on the desktop each opening a separate notebook - eg could be diary, purchases, computer log, comms etc. Newer versions available by ppa have some advantages." |
5 |
xiphos "Export now works - great news. Xiphos is quick and reliable and there are a huge number of modules available. Who needs more than the AV and TSK though. Thankyou." |
5 |
glances "just type glances into terminal or glance -t30 for instance and it works great - giving really useful info - eg can use it to see rate rsync is copying data, size of file systems, CPU load etc etc" |
5 |
bookletimposer "This worked well for me. It creates a new pdf with the pages in booklet order - ie when you open the new pdf and print it out (on A4) then fold pages in half you have an A5 booklet. Thankyou." |
5 |
gwenview "Gwenview has been a reliable friend for years, but there are one or two problems recently. In Mint 17.3 I had to run sudo apt-get install kdelibs-bin kdelibs5-data kdelibs5-plugins to get it to open jpegs. In Mint 18, kipi plugins not there - sofar." |
5 |
audacity "An easy to use audio editor. It crashes a lot but offers recovery of lost files when restarted, so you only lost a few seconds. Great auto processing of folders with "chains"." |
5 |
gparted "One of the basics of computing. A reliable useful tool. Thankyou." |
5 |
artha "The best thing about it is you can have it start at startup and then whenever you meet a word you don't know, just select it - in any application, and press the hotkey combination (Control + Alt + W by default) - and you get an adequate definition." |
5 |
dict "Have just installed this along with thesaurus and it is great - press F9 to get sidebar and click on bottom word for thesaurus and it brings up massive list. Thankyou" |
5 |
evince "It can't display my downloaded bank statements properly. The blue is right up against figures and more seriously other figures are missing altogether. Okular displays them fine." |
3 |
kupfer "This didn't work too well for me. Both Gnome-do and Synaptic worked much better." |
3 |
k3b "Excellent - and includes a 'verify' option for most types of burn." |
5 |
kipi-plugins "Excellent. Export to HTML makes an image gallery from a folder of jpgs, to put online in seconds. Image resize does batch resize and there are many others." |
5 |