
simple GTK+ frontend for mpv
  20 reviews

Celluloid (formerly GNOME MPV) interacts with mpv via the client API exported by libmpv, allowing access to mpv's powerful playback capabilities.
Latest reviews
Tardis52 1 month ago

My use-case is pretty simple - play music. This does the job perfectly, and reads album art without needing to dig into settings (unlike a some others in the Mint Software Manager). Haven't sat down to watch video media at length yet, but per the 10 minutes I've collectively spent making sure mp4's downloaded correctly, I'd say it does that job perfectly as well. Some potentially constructive criticism I can think of would be to add panel customization, such as a persistent playlist menu, and the ability for the user to customize what songs went into which albums within the software (as to avoid having 5 copies of the same song taking up disk space). Possibly also the ability to upload album art independently of metadata. As I'm not a software dev, I can't speak to how difficult or expensive those would be to implement, but they'd be nice-to-haves on an already great product.

Verbifaber 6 months ago

Outdated, unnecessary wrapper for MPV. It worked for a while, then stopped. Mint 21.3 Cinnamon.

BigJonMCMLXX 7 months ago

As stated by others - this shouldnt be the deafult player! features missing, non standard controls/shortcuts. Volume controls completely wrong. etc, etc.

Ptitchat 7 months ago

RAS. SImple à utiliser, ça fait le job.

vandamme 10 months ago

Crashes on startup, Mint 21.3 Cinnamon

jsmac 1 year ago

Not the most amazing media player - in fact it's pretty basic. However, I have found that it works better with DVDs than VLC (at least for my system). If you're having trouble watching movies on VLC or some other media player, give this a go.

Catorwild 1 year ago

Simple. Effective. Perfect if you're an average user who don't care about the advanced stuff.

dcatlett0 1 year ago

Tried to play a DVD with Celluloid via the file manager. All it did was just make my DVD drive spin super fast, and when I restarted my DVD drive started spinning super fast again. When I play the DVD via the Celluloid interface, I never get to a selection screen and one of the episodes plays on its own. Why is this the default media player for Linux Mint?

enoshy 1 year ago

Its awesome.

poi2poi 1 year ago

It doesn't even let you click on the screen to play/pause and the bar to move position is super tiny on a 4K screen

zack 2 years ago

Perfect for reading a video when "vlc" doesn't want to display it because of a codec problem, in fact celluloid opens all the videos whatever the codec, the only flaw is that it doesn't know how to resume playback say at 30s, it starts again at the beginning of the track.

vanilla_flower_foxy 2 years ago

overly heavy trash that also froze my system :/ uninstall! pure mpv is perfectly good

alexx5957 2 years ago

Не смог нормально воспроизвести лицензионный dvd-диск "Влюбленный скорпион".Крашился и останавливался.Я даже перезагружал систему,но и после перезагрузки плеер все также отказывался нормально воспроизводить dvd-диск.А в vlc проблем с воспроизведением настоящих дисков нет!

MagentaPuppy 2 years ago


eraser21 3 years ago

A great and simple video player, if you're an average user and don't care much about the advanced stuff. It plays every song and music that I want to and it did it's job. I haven't had a bad experience with this program at all and I think that it's an okay player.

SaberClassMor 3 years ago

Outdated build. Current version is 0.21 and available on Flatpak.

beitme 3 years ago

Couldn't advance to clicked area on progress bar.

pcfan5 3 years ago

Crashes when pluggin USB or tapping enter. No way to start a song with double click, among other issues. I still find better xplayer. window out of scale. Low volume

GNULinux 4 years ago

a great simple media player, vlc is good but overkill because vlc has just too many features that make it bloated, this celluloid on other hand is much better faster and simpler to use. its just what you want a simple media player :)

aaronrv 4 years ago

A very good video player. It works. VLC is good but there are problems. Thanks for this wonderful video player!