Bottles lets you run Windows software on Linux, such as applications and games. It introduces a workflow that helps you organize by categorizing each software to your liking. Bottles provides several tools and integrations to help you manage and optimize your applications.
Doesn't run any of the apps I've installed. Unity games STILL can't be played on bottles despite it being a known issue for over a year.
Not quite sure where the hype is coming from. Bottles itself is super slow, super cumbersome and it feels like a patched-together hackjob of dozens of different options - and none of them seem to really work. It offers you so many options but leaves you completely alone - for example, what "preset" to select for a media player (WACUP)? Is that WYNE_SYS or PROTON? None of them made it work. After lots of fumbling, I could test-install WACUP and it is shockingly slow. I'd say it takes 5-10 times longer than under native Wine for the program to come up. Just to not play a single file. So bascially downloading GBytes worth of data, waiting 3 minutes for a bottle to be created. I have a modern 16-core CPU and it's ridiculously slow: Installing ARIAL font takes 30 seconds?! All that just to have a cumbersome flood of non-working options, switches and command line is a big letdown. I decided to use a real Windows (Dualboot) for that instead of this poorly thrown together software..
Hallo, vielen Dank für diese super Software. Die Nutzung über dem ist wirklich gut gelungen, nicht perfekt, aber ich kann Stundenlang das Diablo 4 Vesseln of Hatred zocken. Was mir aufgefallen ist, sind die "Überlappungen" der Spezialeffekte (einen alle 30 Minuten). Sie werden dann für kurze Zeit super grell dargestellt. Ich ließ alle Einstellungen anfangs auf Standard, der Grafikkartentreiber für Nvidia für die 2080 wurde installiert, der Intel 8700K läuft sich auch nicht warm. Die FPS bewegen sich auf Medium ohne dem FSR1 oder 2 zwischen 55 bis 60 fps. Auf Hoch ohne FSR geht es gegen die 30fps und mit dem FSR bin ich dann auf 2 bis 5 FPS. Dann wünsche ich mir eine Funktion, ob man die Auslagerungsdatei in bottles für die Windows Umgebung einstellen kann, auf Windows gibt es zur Zeit das Problem, dass Diablo 4 oft ruckelt, aufgrund von deren mangelnder Software. Vielleicht kann man die FPS stabiler machen? Ist nur so ein Gedanke.
I haven't tried much but so far I've installed the GOG launcher, installed Control, the launcher synced my saves from my pc and everything just seems to work e.g. enabling ultra+ all raytracing settings on my amd gpu runs great! GOG even closed to the taskbar like a native application and I forgot I was using bottles for a moment :P I've also tried some some adobe software and other "no-launcher" games and so far I haven't found anything that doesn't work. Oh also played a couple of hours of Dishonored 2 and Max Payne 2 with same performance as on win10 as far as I can tell. Big Thank You DEVS! <3
With the direction Lutris has gone trying to become as a bloated and buggy solution, and heroic games launcher also held back by multiple bugs, bottles seems to be focusing on just working. After switching to bottles for everything wine it has been a joy to use. This software is a must have on all of our machines at home.
It won't run with my graphics driver (nvidia-340.108-0ubunttu5.20.04.2) No error messages, just failed to start. after a *lot* of investigation it turns out Bottles coun't find the correctly installed driver!
Very helpful, and generally speaking easy to use. Thanks for this devs.
It's GREAT but you don't add any .exe file you add the setup or the installation and it will run the program no matter what.
I downloaded it to use Notion on my desktop. Very easy to set up. Just use offical .exe file. More straightforward than wine. Recommended.
Fantastic tool. It allows you to run MANY Windows apps. More reliable than Wine.
I've only been using it for a short while but I can confidently say that it runs like a more modern adaptation of Wine. It's very useful.