com.usebottles.bottles "Not quite sure where the hype is coming from. Bottles itself is super slow, super cumbersome and it feels like a patched-together hackjob of dozens of different options - and none of them seem to really work. It offers you so many options but leaves you completely alone - for example, what "preset" to select for a media player (WACUP)? Is that WYNE_SYS or PROTON? None of them made it work. After lots of fumbling, I could test-install WACUP and it is shockingly slow. I'd say it takes 5-10 times longer than under native Wine for the program to come up. Just to not play a single file. So bascially downloading GBytes worth of data, waiting 3 minutes for a bottle to be created. I have a modern 16-core CPU and it's ridiculously slow: Installing ARIAL font takes 30 seconds?! All that just to have a cumbersome flood of non-working options, switches and command line is a big letdown. I decided to use a real Windows (Dualboot) for that instead of this poorly thrown together software.." |
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