Works great at Mint 17.3 with XFCE and Mate, but Cinnamon doesn't support another windows managers.
It's too big for the simple window compositioning that I require. I don't see whe mint-meta-xfce and mintdesktop have to depend on it. I also can't get keyboard shortcuts to work.
Seemd to fix screenflashing/tearing on my Dell Mint 17 x64 Cinnamon. MODERATORS: Please stop review text disappearing if there is some problem (e.g. if one forgot to give rating)!
EXCELLENT!!! Simply a must have. At least for people that are still into the good old fashion desktop computers, not the teenage "rub your fingers on a 4inch screen all day long Gizmos"
durante la ejecucion del comando envia un warn y desaparece la barra de herramientas , Mint Nadia