
Software Defined Radio receiver
  2 reviews

CubicSDR is a cross-platform Software-Defined Radio application which allows you to navigate the radio spectrum and demodulate any signals you might discover. It currently includes several common analog demodulation schemes such as AM and FM and will support digital modes in the future.

CubicSDR uses SoapySDR to access SDR hardware and thereby supports all hardware for which a SoapySDR module exists.
Latest reviews
jcoles 1 month ago

There are two waterfalls to tune. I don't know why. You have to click the big lower one, then the smaller upper one. gqrx is much easier to understand. Looks like it works. Unfortunately, I can't hear anything. CubicSDR reports "no audio devices found!" Clueless! Software Manager, Synaptic, apt, dpkg etc should have fixed any dependency issues. Every other app I have ever installed or built could access sound. But, maybe it will work for you...

otr2023 1 year ago

Installs super easy and works as expected. Similar interface to other packages. Worth giving a try. I'm running Mint Cinnamon 21.1x. Found USB SDR instantly and worked first time.