v1.0.2 - When the manual said the fill tool struggled with complex shapes, I was expecting that it would just have blocky, ugly aliasing a la ms paint circa windows 7 if I used it to fill the background of a transparent PNG. Not that it would be completely incapable of filling in the area around not only a transparent PNG, but also just the exterior area around a crudely drawn pencil shape. I get warnings to 'let the tool struggle' only for nothing to happen and I've tried all four algorithms! At least the additive drawing tools worked!
Mostly unusable. i can find no way to edit anything. For example, if I add a piece of text, there seems no way to select it so that I can change the words or the font or the size. Using the "selection" tool just selects a rectangle around the text, not the text itself ... so clicking "delete" leaves a black hole in the image. If you need to do just one thing with an image and you can do it perfectly the first time, maybe it will work for you; otherwise, you will just waste time and energy.
You can easily add arrows to the image or erase the transparent area in the image. Handy program!
No understatement when the designer(s) meant basic. Using v1.0.2 bundled with LM21.2. Docked 1 star as it's not really intuitive to use.
Esse aplicativo, ele vem instalado por padrão no linux mint, porém esse aplicativo é muito básico. Recomendo fortemente se vocês forem colocar um aplicativo de desenho por padrão e que é de código aberto, recomendo o Krita.
It doesn't support Arabic, Kurdish, Persian Keybaord... the letters are turned to single characters instead
It's great, super simple but has all the basic features needed. Perfect for quick processing of screenshots. Paste from clipboard, do some changes, copy whole to clipboard. I love it :)
Really, really basic - if you are after something more advanced (but not overwelming) try Kolourpaint4 or Pinta.
Really, really basic - if you are after something more advanced (but not overwelming) try Kolourpaint4 or Pinta.