I have this running in a script that takes input from a text file, runs ebook2cw to generate the mp3 and runs celluloid to play the mp3. Edit and save the cw.txt, then hit the transplanted Desktop launcher to play the script. Capable of well over 100 wpm, with 1200 wpm pushing the limits of the maximum sample rate of 48 kHz for the MP3 file. In-text commands require a space, pipe, command, space. Set speed with |w20 for 20 wpm. Set prosigns with <ac> for @ sign, <ar> for end-of-message. Nothing is case-sensitive in the text file, except the pipe command. |W20 does not set code speed, but |w20 does.
Terrific little command line utility will easily turn any text file into a Morse Code Mp3 file of the contents! Neat! Excellent for creating your own audio Morse Code tutor and practice mp3s. Sounds great, very useful, highly configurable. Fast.