
full featured Python IDE
  18 reviews

Eric is a full featured Python IDE written in PyQt using the QScintilla editor widget. Some highlights * Any number of editors with configurable syntax highlighting, code folding, auto indenting and brace highlighting. * Integrated Project Management facility to organize your projects. The project browser shows all source files, all forms and all translations each on its own tab. The source browser has built in class browsing capabilities. * Integrated and full featured debuggers for Python and Ruby. * Interactive shells for Python and Ruby. * An explorer window for walking through your directory structure with built in class browsing capabilities for Python files. * Variable windows that display local and global variables in the current scope while debugging a program. * An integrated interface to the Python Module "unittest". * An integrated help viewer to display HTML help files. Alternatively you can choose to use Qt-Assistant to view help files. * Display of the UI in different languages. * The capability to start Qt-Designer and Qt-Linguist from within eric5. * The ability to compile Qt-Designer forms, to produce Qt-Linguist files and release them from within the IDE.
Latest reviews
Hasi13 1 year ago

Tried to install it manually (from website; eric7): did not work at all. Tried to install it with "Software Manager": same, not working. (Linux Mint 21.1)

niburech 2 years ago

This version is old. It's worth it to get eric7 (22.9) from the website: you can install via pip using your terminal.

Bodmin 2 years ago

I tried to install eric on Mint Mate 21. I ended up going to and doing the linux install via terminal using the instructions on the webpage. Doing that worked.

bree 2 years ago

Can't get it to work.

O-rion 4 years ago

can't get it to work - Mint MATE 19.2

lericony 4 years ago

Linux Mint 19.3: Sofortiger Absturz nach dem Starten. Beim Ausführen im Terminal wird auf eine Website verwiesen, die nicht existiert. Leider totale Verarsche und nicht weiterzuempfehlen. Schade, ich hätte die Anwendung gerne mal ausprobiert.

nielsschou 5 years ago

Still not working on Linux Mint - 19.2 Tina

Sunnchilde 5 years ago

Crash on Launch (Mint19.1), every time. I wish I could use it.

lib2know 9 years ago

native python ide supporting qt - most productive

xantippe 9 years ago

Version 6 works with PyQt5 but LMDE2 still works with PyQt4 Please update!!

zbyna 10 years ago

worth for upgrading version 6 stable, possible install on Mint 17 KDE from sources

tekgnu 12 years ago

Excellent IDE - worth upgrading to version 5! The interface is both intuitive and fast. I had one issue where a plugin failed and it sent the developers an email. Within 48 hours I received an email back that a patch had been applied.

dscapuano 12 years ago

Excellent IDE. Take the time to read the tutorials. They are very good.

elnino22 12 years ago

Celkom dobré vývojové prostredie pre python

Emilnd 12 years ago

Very nice for python development and with loads of settings to adjust/use!

onkar406 13 years ago

Really good IDE for Python especially for those new to python (like me !)

panoramix 14 years ago

Buon tool

PanAeon 14 years ago

really pythonic