
classic 2D point and click fantasy adventure game
  16 reviews

Flight of the Amazon Queen is a 2D point-and-click adventure game set in the 1940s, originally published for DOS and the Amiga.

You assume the role of Joe King, a pilot for hire who is given the job of flying Faye Russell (a famous movie star) into the Amazon jungle for a photo shoot. Of course, things never go according to plans. After an unfortunate turn of events they find themselves stranded in the heart of the Amazon jungle, where Joe will embark on a quest to rescue a kidnapped princess and in the process, discover the true sinister intentions of a suspiciously located Lederhosen company. In a rich 2D environment, Joe will cross paths with a variety of unlikely jungle inhabitants including, but not limited to, a tribe of Amazon women and 6-foot-tall pygmies.

Note that this package only contains game-data. The game engine is provided by ScummVM.
Latest reviews
Chaoshay 2 years ago

If you're into point-and-click clasics this game is for you! The settings are very nice and the game play is clasic as it gets. It was a bit too easy for me, but over all 4.5/5 to 5/5

cr4nkie 4 years ago

good stuff

Incandescent 9 years ago

An average adventure game, nothing really stands out from it aside from the setting. Most of the jokes fall flat on their face.

nav_infin 9 years ago

Love the graphics and time period. Reminds me of a comic book. Gameplay is a bit boring tho. Defintely worth playing once.

krong 11 years ago

Great point and click game. Recommended if this is your type of games.

DonGiovanni 12 years ago

It can give some hours of fun. Graphics are classic 1995, though I've seen earlier games with better artwork. Most of the puzzles are logic and fun but there some that I had to try randomly until I solved them.

akromic 12 years ago

Ok game, but there are many illogical puzzles which are best bruteforced or cheated

r1j1k 13 years ago

Adventure Masterpiece! "Oil be back!" and "I'm a pilot for hire not a piromaniac." + "rocket poket comicbook" all the humour and fun you need to enjoy every minute of gameplay.

WOLF67 13 years ago

great game

Draco 14 years ago

Good game, very long..and quirky dialoge and game play...i have to addmit that i had to use a walkthrough every now and then...stupid me..?!?!?!?!?

SilasMortimer 14 years ago

If you're an adventure game fan and have played all the greats, you'll be disappointed with this. The dialog is awkward and hackneyed, the puzzles are rather obvious (there isn't one that really makes you stop and think), and overall it seems it was an attempt to match up with the good ones without the talent to make it as good. You can find better stuff on AGS.

mockturtl 14 years ago

see also: beneath-a-steel-sky

Boringbytes 14 years ago

This game looks like it might be fun, but doesn't work on my mint 9 computer. The total lack of help files makes it impossible to know why.There should be in game clues to tell players what to do, but if they're there they arent obvious...or maybe the same thing that prevents controls from working properly is interefering with them. I hoped this game would help put the lie to the common conception that there are no good games for linux...but it defintately didn't. I May revise my opinion later, but for now I can't reccomend this game.

telewatho 14 years ago

Witty, fun and very addictive. Feels rewarding when you complete a puzzle

Roin 14 years ago

I love this game. Its one of the few games that are really worth playing them.

clem 14 years ago

Very fun game. Old but fun.