
Edit photos and manage a large collection
  15 reviews

Navigate a large image collection with a thumbnail browser. View and edit image files (RAW, jpeg, png, tiff ...). Editing is done in 24 bits/color, output is 8 or 16 bits/color. Fotoxx has extensive tools for edit, repair, and special effects. Fotoxx is fast and interactive: view full image as it changes. Undo and redo within and across edit functions. File versioning: save and recall multiple edit stages. Select image features or areas to edit separately from background. Copy and paste area selections within and across images. Composite functions: HDR, HDF, panorama, stack, image/text montage. Metadata edit and report: tags, captions, dates, locations ... Search images based on any metadata and folder/file names or parts. Albums: select images and arranged order with drag and drop. Slide Show with animated transitions and pan/zoom. Scalable world map with image markers - click marker for gallery. Batch functions: convert, resize, upright, move, revise metatata. User Guide (English) describes all functions in great detail.
Latest reviews
barryedmiston 2 years ago

I have a simple procedure to do: crop a photo, resize it, adjust levels, brightness, and contrast. With Fotoxx, I am going to have to consult help files to accomplish even the first step. Sorry, but no.

mimesis 5 years ago

Accomplish the essential functions, it has many features that I won't really use, but the few were ok to me. The graphic of the application is still raw. Unfortunately was not for me. Even tho I recommend giving a try to make your own opinion.

Yukonwolf 9 years ago

Closest you'll get to Ifranview!

wayneclea 10 years ago

I like it, but it wants add ons that I don't seem to locate. yet the version I installed with min 16 was fine. It still works without the add on, just bugs me about them.

fotonix 11 years ago

Tried it for a bit. Its Ok, but did not fit my (rather specific) needs.

Korpu 11 years ago

Cataloguing starts running by itself, it takes time, editing is blocked when sync is running. Not for me. Preferences (defaults) are primitive and do not allow much.

giancarlo_zunino 11 years ago

Excelente para una variedad bastante amplia de efectos y mejoras para fotografias. Mejor que el Gimp ya que es mucho más fácil de usar.

seifenprinz 12 years ago

für panorama aufnahmen bestes tool mit ubuntu

crivote 12 years ago

very powerful tools. Pity of the UI, a better one would make this a #1 photo editor.

chwise 12 years ago

Powerful little editor! Handles both simple and complex jobs well, highly recommended!

carlosjimy 13 years ago

Un editor muy completo y sencillo de usar. Es un imprescindible.

cattivocliente 13 years ago

Non può mancare sulla tua Linux Box!! Consigliatissimo!

badwolf9 13 years ago

Very useful graphics package with all features you need for simple and quick browsing, resizing and cropping. Highly recommend it!

gonye 14 years ago

Very powerful software! Recommend it!

danstinebaugh 14 years ago

Can't believe no one's commented on this app! It does most all of the editing you need with a minimum of fuss and the results are great! I'm so glad I found this!