
View and clean metadata in files
  4 reviews

Metadata within a file can tell a lot about you. Cameras record data about when and where a picture was taken and which camera was used. Office applications automatically add author and company information to documents and spreadsheets. This is sensitive information and you may not want to disclose it.

This tool allows you to view metadata in your files and to get rid of it, as much as possible.

Latest reviews
ScubaMan-1970 8 months ago

I didn't want to screw around with command lines, so I gave Metadata Cleaner a try. It strips all the metadata so that I can post it on my blog (without sharing too much info with bad actors). I'm running it on Mint 21.3 (Virgina [Mate]). I can't tell if I can strip just some of the metadata (all or nothing?). Otherwise, I'd recommend it.

harrygrey 9 months ago

So far so good, but in DEBIAN12 the programme does not crash from 16 files. The sorting in Thunar is also better in DEBIAN12. Now I have installed mat2 and switched from Thunar to nautilus and I have a nice tool in the menue from nautilus, what erases the metadata from numberless files.

Shampoo77 11 months ago

Easy and simple tool.

Haggen88 2 years ago

Useful and simple tool to clean metadata. Fully recommended.