
Graphical GTK+ front-end to tesseract-ocr
  15 reviews

GImageReader is a simple front-end to tesseract-ocr. Tesseract is probably the most accurate open source optical character recognition (OCR) software and can recognize text in over 60 languages.

gImageReader supports automatic page layout detection but the user can also manually define and adjust the recognition regions. It is possible to import images from disk, scanning devices, clipboard and screenshots. gImageReader also supports multipage PDF documents. Recognized text is displayed directly next to the image and basic text editing including search/replace and removing of line breaks is possible. Spellchecking for the output text is also supported if the corresponding dictionaries are installed.

This package contains the GTK+ variant of gImageReader.
Latest reviews
Gribouille 2 months ago

Génial ! Fonctionne très bien pour moi, il faut juste télécharger les langages "sudo apt install tesseract-ocr-fra"

zuzu 1 year ago

Enough for amateurish use. Not good enough for professionals.

n0body_special 1 year ago

Guess it's ok. I open a scanned pdf, got a dialog message: "The file you have opened already contains text, are you sure you want to proceed?" I mean wtf dude, I know there's text in this pdf, but I can't edit this crap, so you bet I want to proceed. If you want any language other than english DO NOT install package "tesseract-ocr", it has only english. Install package "tesseract-ocr-all" instead. You are welcome. Not very intuitive UI: You can't scroll up and down your pdf, you have to select each page separately. As strange as it sounds, I could not locate the button that starts the OCR. It was hidden in plain sight: it is the language selection button itself, just don't click on the arrow. It crashes sometimes. BUT BOTTOM LINE: after messing with it for an hour or so, installing languages and dictionaries, I managed to get plaintext off a 35 page pdf. And that's what counts in the end, isn't it? You don't really have much choice anyway

pcfan5 2 years ago

Excellent .Totally intuitive. Does the job flawless and with Spanish spelling check! LM 19.3

Starkiller_007 4 years ago

Great applcation! Works as expected and supports various functions. Good Job Devs!

Mike 4 years ago

It works! Saves to plain TXT. But I didn't find how to recognize all pages to one file.

pacificrw 4 years ago

Vieil utilisateur d'OCR propriétaires, tel le russe FineReader, j'ai été bluffé par les performances de GImagereader, qui suffit largement à mes besoins actuels.

Oleh_Melnyk 4 years ago

Використав комади із коментаря, що нижче і все запрацювало. Українську ставив командою #sudo apt install tesseract-ocr-ukr Усе працює! Чудово!

Maker 5 years ago

gImageReader sudo add-apt-repository ppa:sandromani/gimagereader sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install gImageReader Tesseract sudo apt-get install tesseract-ocr sudo apt-get install tesseract-ocr-rus (для установки русского языка) sudo apt-get install tesseract-ocr-eng (to install english) Можно найти языковой пакет в Synaptic Package Manager

Candandi 6 years ago

У меня не работает, выдает "Недоступны языковые файлы для tesseract. Распознавание работать не будет". Гуглил, решение не нашел, понял только, что я не один с такой проблемой.

ozdroggy 6 years ago

Gives me everything I want for straight OCR of text documents. Scans with my Canon MG6660 far better than gscan2pdf and easier to use.

daffa 6 years ago


Knezev87 7 years ago

treba ti samo Hunspell i Tesseract, mada treba još da se udadi da bi bio blizu Abbyy

ArnaudDorthe 7 years ago

GimageReader is the Best frontend for Tesseract. However the version 3.1.2 is 2 years old ! Would someone kindly update it please ?

waqar144 7 years ago

Although not many options but still one of the best tesseract frontend. Good OCR engine