
GNU Krell Monitors
  19 reviews

With a single process, gkrellm manages multiple stacked monitors and supports applying themes to match the monitors appearance to your window manager, Gtk, or any other theme.
Latest reviews
WunderwerkLeben 1 year ago

GNU Krell Monitore iat eine sehr stabile und zuverlässige Hardware Überwachung. Benutzte vorher immer Conky, doch mittlerweile verwende ich nur noch GKrellM. Sie ist sehr einfach über die Anwendungsverwaltung zu finden und zu installieren, mit wenigen Klicks auf die persönlichen Bedürfnisse eingestellt und einsatzbereit. Was ich sehr gut finde ist, daß man den USB Datentransfer unter Netz "lo", oder unter Tempratur "Composite" die NvMe M.2 Festplatte überwachen kann, und vieles mehr... ich benutze GKrellM unter Linux Mint Una 20.3 und unter Linux Mint Vera 21.1 für meinen Astronomie MiniPC mit KStars / Ekos Planetarium.

pvane 9 years ago

Super Tool im die Rechnerressourcen im Blick zu haben.

sterkey25 9 years ago

Great app for monitoring all of your hardware. Conky takes too much configuration for me. This program fires right up and is easy to customize. I wish the GUI was a little more updated and smoother looking. I would also like to see it so you can just drag it to resize the whole application. Other than that, it is very solid.

nekrasov 9 years ago

Informative yet simple

bandolerito 9 years ago

Este y Conky me vienen genial para monitorizar el tráfico de red ya que netspeed me falla.

jony127 10 years ago

muy bueno y útil para controlar la temperatura de tu pc y evitar problemas

Memnock 10 years ago

Awsome!! Love it

MonchoFalcon 10 years ago

Excelente con el uso de zenity y pm-suspend

sadasivam 11 years ago

There is a conflict in using F1 key between this software and browser. When i press F1, browser starts instead of configuration window. Anyway a nice software...

leechau 11 years ago

not so good

doug65536 11 years ago

Can act as a dock, so maximized programs don't cover it. Shows everything you need to see: CPU, memory, load, users, network, disk, time, date, swap, and even temperatures. Works great!

ryanj 12 years ago

Very good.

zaenal1234 12 years ago

monitors system and download and simple in desktop.....and very good.

kosmostrater 13 years ago

The best system monitor, looks great pleaty of ways to customize it. Always the first program I install witha new Linux Install

murmelbaer 14 years ago

KISS = Keep IT smart and small. I like it. Nice and beautiful GUI - delivers the information, you need.

wanda 14 years ago

Nur eyecandy.

rijnsma 14 years ago

Sorry to see no skins (themes). Some are beautifull.

French 14 years ago

Also like the plugin Gkrellshoot,tiny but handsome

timocharis 14 years ago

A little goofy, but very complete and compact.