Title | Score | |
13 years ago | easy way to setting compiz (3d-desktop). | 15 |
14 years ago | methods of how to proceed download file torrent is not yet 100% | 7 |
13 years ago | edit grub 'bootloader' in LMDE and etc.. | 5 |
14 years ago | run the exe file (windows) , use crossover-7 | 4 |
Software | Score |
gkrellm "monitors system and download and simple in desktop.....and very good." |
4 |
chromium "stable, fast, but ... for download = not good." |
3 |
nautilus "it's the best for file manager & launch applications. " |
5 |
gnome-terminal-data "for access a unix shell and very good together-with the gnome-terminal" |
4 |
mint-search-addon "very good." |
4 |
gnome-terminal "Must have, and this is the best terminal emulator." |
5 |
geany "very nice, good, great, very fast, full feature and elegant." |
4 |
conky-all "can cause error on pc...., I prefer screenlets." |
2 |
all-in-one-sidebar "very good, all panel in one sidebar." |
4 |
xul-ext-all-in-one-sidebar "very nice, easy for used/see all panel in one sidebar." |
4 |
mozilla-plugin-gnash "good, as plugin for web browser." |
4 |
iceweasel-fission "very good, same as firefox...even more fast." |
4 |
iceweasel-dom-inspector "very good, same as firefox...even more fast." |
4 |
iceweasel-downthemall "very good, same as firefox...even more fast." |
4 |
k3dsurf "very nice, mathematical in real form (3d) , fun, & useful for students." |
4 |
python2.6 "good, but often errors, but important." |
4 |
winff "I like this. can I create manually (settings) for edit converter video." |
5 |
freetennis "easy to use, just with the click of a mouse." |
4 |
trigger-rally-data "one unit with trigger-rally, very good." |
4 |
g3dviewer "very nice, easy to use, simple, &good;." |
4 |
trigger-rally "3d rally car, game for all." |
4 |
lokalize "very nice, great, very useful for me. for translation." |
5 |
tuxpaint "very nice, easy to use with nice icons, simple, &beautiful; in appearance." |
4 |
meshlab "very nice." |
4 |
skencil "very good." |
4 |
fusion-icon "very good, & important in linux mint-debian to activate 3d desktop." |
4 |
mintinstall "very nice to install software, can also be added later to install, but no information if there is one software that removed/conflict, also details how many kb or mb which downloaded. " |
4 |
brasero "strong, powerful, and good also to erase the disc, but often fail to eject the disc and too simple." |
4 |
pencil "easy to use, & very good." |
4 |
wings3d "easy to use, & very good." |
4 |
minitube "very good,and fast to search+playing video youtube." |
4 |
arista "very good, simple, easy, fast, can be modified, live preview in procces encoder, very much choices devices, it's the best." |
5 |
tablet-encode "very good, simple & fast in process converter." |
4 |
synfigstudio "very good. for 2d animation." |
3 |
gnome-system-monitor "very important to see the work of hardware (cpu, ram/swap, network history)." |
4 |
gedit "very good, & I often use it. " |
5 |
screenlets "with this I can launch a lot of display icons on the desktop. that all of its beautiful and good and appropriate function of its benefits .." |
5 |
totem "very good. & simple, strong, powerful." |
4 |
synaptic "intelligent.!!!!! & super great. for details of the package more clearly and also if there is to remove the packages, it there is description with detailed." |
5 |
gedit-plugins "very good. for gedit." |
4 |
kwrite "Good, with a text/alphabet (default) is more slim and colorful." |
4 |
recorditnow "good. but for record desktop/movies. results in the movies is slow motion (cease-cease). and in short duration." |
4 |
network-manager "good." |
4 |
network-manager-gnome "very good. & nice." |
4 |
compiz-core "very good, for visual effects 3d desktop, its effects stunning ." |
4 |
compiz-fusion-plugins-main "good." |
4 |
compiz-gnome "very good. for integrate compiz with desktop gnome." |
4 |
compiz-check "good, script to test." |
4 |
compizconfig-settings-manager "very good. it's settings manager for visual effects 3d desktop, " |
4 |
compiz "very great, for visual effects 3d desktop, making the desktop can be rotated (rotate / flexible), great." |
4 |
compiz-fusion-plugins-extra "great, for visual effects 3d desktop is required, with plugins and themes, making the desktop can be rotated (rotate / flexible), great." |
4 |
wally "it was very nice. can change wallpapers automatically, & download the wallpaper itself." |
4 |
screenlets-doc "good, for screenlets around on desk." |
4 |
ktuberling "good for kids, for creativity and fun." |
4 |
picasa "is: heavy to run, and using wine, and also too deep in the scan images (all kinds of picture)." |
3 |
kiconedit "good. for edit icon. & create icon ." |
4 |
marble "very good. to view a map of the world, but no details." |
4 |
fretsonfire-game "very good & can be edited." |
4 |
gnome-phone-manager "good and simple, and quick to send SMS, but sometimes disconnected with HSDPA usb stick & can not, to delete SMS." |
4 |
kmobiletools "very good, but sometimes disconnected with HSDPA usb stick & can not, to delete the sms." |
4 |
gparted "very good. for me-Resize swap." |
4 |
lives-data "good. for lives." |
4 |
lives "very good." |
4 |
dia "very good. and easy to use." |
4 |
virtualbox-ose-guest-x11 "very good. for virtualbox-ose." |
4 |
virtualbox-ose-qt "very good. for virtualbox-ose." |
4 |
virtualbox-3.1 "just good." |
3 |
virtualbox-ose-guest-utils "very good. for virtualbox-ose." |
4 |
virtualbox-ose-fuse "very good. for virtualbox-ose." |
4 |
virtualbox-ose-dkms "very good. for virtualbox-ose." |
4 |
virtualbox-ose "I like this software, because it can execute the 'file exe for 3d (graphic)' with the perfect & better than 'non-free virtualbox'. & to test another OS (: windows or linux or others...). My maxim is: " aquarium in the aquarium "." |
5 |
xgnokii "bad and stuck to the desktop. and can not be clicked. " |
1 |
inkscape "good, best and important." |
4 |
playonlinux "very good & perfect, to run my exe file, heavyweight." |
5 |
fatrat "Transfer failed." |
3 |
yofrankie "good." |
4 |
arora "good.+fast.+simple.+block sites." |
4 |
dahdi "configure causes error" |
1 |
dahdi-dkms "-2, error in my pc." |
1 |
gwenview "good & can directly play movies" |
4 |
ntfs-config "good." |
4 |
ktranslator "do not function properly." |
2 |
gnome-mplayer "Very resilient. but, the design is less beautiful & is too simple" |
4 |
alarm-clock-applet "simple" |
4 |
tilda "good, and can I add a image for background." |
4 |
totem-mozilla "oke!!!" |
4 |
wammu "good, but can not walk together with 'mobile broadband conection' and must be in offline to check for incoming messages (sms)." |
4 |
gnome-gmail-notifier "good. without opening 'web browser'." |
4 |
miro "good" |
4 |
h264enc "yes!!!!!!" |
4 |
p7zip ".7z? , i like 7z ." |
5 |
kde-full "just one click, can get kde (full) .- alternative options after gnome - very nice." |
5 |
gimp "great.!!! to edit images / photos, etc. & compatible with many file formats." |
5 |
k3d "very good , simple , and easy for used ." |
5 |
blender "great...!!!" |
5 |
openshot "perfect , very good , & the best . and easy used for editing my movies . " |
5 |
handbrake-cli "good, ++" |
4 |
handbrake-gtk "perfect , for encoding DVD + subtitle to mkv or mp4." |
5 |
devede "very good...... , only this for mainstay production vcd or dvd in linux mint. i like this software." |
5 |
xvst "very good for searching movies and music clips, but sometimes errors to download." |
5 |
gmusicbrowser "i like this, for my music." |
5 |
smplayer "I like, very much readable files, but often 'crash'." |
5 |
konqueror "good for file browser." |
4 |
frostwire "too heavy for old pc, oftentimes hang/crash, late to close/restart." |
1 |
enna "too heavy, for old pc." |
3 |
mplayer-gui "too troublesome, hang, ...etc" |
2 |
bum "good , but dangerous for beginner." |
3 |
testdisk "saved data." |
4 |
usb-creator "good" |
4 |
moovida "too heavy for old pc." |
3 |
f-spot "normal & good." |
3 |
wine "commonplace." |
3 |
k3b "is the best from all software burning." |
5 |
wine1.2 "very good, but not for video converter (need frame_net 2.5;3;3,5)." |
4 |
vlc "is the best and ....video can be rotation + convert file video." |
5 |
dolphin "with dolphin, i can playing movies or looking image in inside (mini display). i like this." |
5 |
gdebi "file deb = gdebi ....so = important" |
5 |
opera "i not like, bad, too slow, and rigid ,design too bad." |
1 |
firefox "best..and very good, also very much 'add-ons' , also familiar." |
5 |
qbittorrent "perfect!!!!!!!!. i like this for download file torrent." |
5 |
transmageddon "simple and very good & easy for converter video, i like this software." |
5 |
dvblast "yes, good & simple." |
4 |
zipmerge "i like." |
3 |
zip "i like, important for zip files." |
3 |
startupmanager "option startup will be different, easy to use, simple. i like this tool." |
3 |
shotwell "excellent,very good,and fast in searching,quality image / photo very sharpness " |
4 |