
Notify the arrival of new mail on Gmail
  11 reviews

Gmail Notifier is a Linux alternative for the notifier program released by Google, it is written in Python and provides an attractive and simple way to check for new mail messages.
Latest reviews
dsbw 11 years ago

Hey, it works. So it's got that going for it. Which is nice. And rare. Easy to configure, pops up notification and some email content. Have to right click and select "go to inbox" or hit the pop-up to actually get to your inbox (non-configurable) but okay.

claptonfan 13 years ago

If I go away for a bit to eat a meal I return to a hung system! This was sad because I thought it would really work.

streamnl 13 years ago

it's shows when you got a new email (almost at the same time, so that a good thing). But when I click on the new email, nothing happens. I also can't go to my inbox with the widget.

newrave 13 years ago

Unter Ubuntu finde ich "gm-notify" praktischer, weil es sich besser in die Ubuntu Oberfläche einfügt. Unter Linux Mint ist "gmail-notify" einen Tick besser, da es sich im Gnome-Panel einnistet und leicht zu bedienen ist.

opm595 13 years ago

In my opinion, thumbs-up to the Devs on this one. Works flawlessly for me, without a problem, and incredibly easy to configure too. Well done!

Elisa 14 years ago

No big deal...

wanda 14 years ago

Sehr gut gebrauche die taglich.

Koffeehaus 14 years ago

The app is visually unappealing. Every time you check for mails a big Gmail logo appears. I recommend 'checkgmail' package instead.

Vargas 14 years ago


Miquel_Ubuntero 14 years ago

Doesn't works fine on LMDE

rodrigo_uruguay 14 years ago

Is really practical and usefull