
Simple GNOME app with stopwatch, timer, and world clock support
  20 reviews

GNOME Clocks is a simple application to show the time and date in multiple locations and set alarms or timers. A stopwatch is also included.
Latest reviews
abu-uba 4 days ago

absence of sound setup is absolute evil. uninstalling this crap.

CJ_Walks 10 months ago

Very very nice tool to have in Mint 21.3 GUI works well, timer finish notification is a simple ding with notification. Nice and minimal. Could use some customization improvements like custom alert tone, but overall this thing has been functioning well. Great work.

Str8gamE 2 years ago

I setup daily alarms for my medicines. I don't know if the alarms are going off and disappearing after X amount of time or what, but you definitely cant rely on it for medication. That's for sure.

Allewyn 3 years ago

I would find it usefull to label each alarm so if I'm running more than 1 alarm I know what it's for. Like "Harvest wheat" 19:47, pull grass 21:56, etc.

luft_marlon 3 years ago

Looks very nice and works very well

SebastJava 3 years ago

Great. Complete, but not overfilled. Design? Not bad. It doesn't look very good at first, because you get this huge empty white space, plus this blank bar at the bottom. But all you have to do is shrink the window to the minimum. This works well. And then the top buttons are now at the bottom, and it all looks good. If you want further improvements, just change your GTK theme... P.S.: this window geometry gets saved, of course, so now it always looks great each time i open this clock. :)

ImaginaryTotal 3 years ago

Easy to add a clock. Has Sunrise. CANNOT EDIT CLOCKS! Can't delete a clock, move it in the window. Nothing. Cannot select by timezone.

LaTorre 3 years ago

Seriously? Wondering about the level hight of the reviews. 20 years ago it might be called useful, but since then it lacks functionality: Different clock faces (analogue, digital), display of seconds, configurable colors, configurable text sizes, etc. This is just missing too much of 'features' every single app has got today. Even programming such kind in html would do better. -Disapointed and uninstalled.

monu 4 years ago

Useful, but seriously need some theme changes and prouctive updates.

jprigot 4 years ago

Soft, high pitched alarm like that of a watch. When it goes off you can't localize its location.

ihavecomeforthefun 4 years ago

This is what Mint 19.3 Cinnamon is missing. And with a perfect simple gui

governmint 6 years ago

Works in Linux Mint 18.3 I like it a lot, but it would be more friendly on the users ears if the users could change the 'wired in' alarm sounds to something they like in MP3 or OGG, or OGA.

gnappi 6 years ago

I'm a bit puzzled hot it got as many high scores as it did, the alarm sound is horrible, It's like a red hot wire being driven into your ear through the head, and out the other ear. Functionally I guess that it's features are adequate but a configurable wake up tone would make it useful.

geopython 8 years ago

simple; works; great

tjpl 8 years ago

Great program! Simple and nice looking interface. I only wish I could make the font bigger when maximized.

vuhung3990 9 years ago


ttjimera 9 years ago

Nice GUI. Does its function very well. One set back is that in the stopwatch, with milliseconds precision, is putting a heavy load on cpu. It would be great if there is an option to set off milliseconds. It would also be great if we can resize the window which is taking up too much space on the screen.

serikz 9 years ago

Отличное. Жаль отсутствует уведомление на панели.

elstellino 9 years ago

I really like it, I enjoy the timer a lot. Everything is really inmtuitive, as it should be. Nofrills and effective. I have a problem though, and I don’t know how to solve it: I live in Canary Islands (same time zone as London UK) but somehow the program pick the time of some unknown place in mainland Spain, which is one hour ahead, slamming it on the first clock. How to correct this? Please send me a PM on linux mint forums if you know, same user name. :)

meda 9 years ago

useful app