
font viewer for GNOME
  5 reviews

This program can preview fonts and create thumbnails for fonts.
Latest reviews
raousoft 2 years ago

at least a textbox to display whatever I want to write to test font in other languages than that quick brown fox :(

beitme 3 years ago

Not very useful

ranmagrl 4 years ago

Basically useless. I loved (and still love when I need to search such type of fonts) xfontsel, because you could easy select different properties you wanted from it, but that's not what I'm looking from this type of TrueType font viewer. Especially with more than couple fonts, looking for something on any basis becomes nearly impossible with this! I couldn't find one for mint, but the kind thet would actually be useful, would have a list and optionts ot toolbar at least for size in which the fonts would be listed! Maybe also filtlering, like checkboxes for "bold" "cursive", "mono-/variable-width only", etc. list only fonts matching these would-ve been shown; of course after the options should also be a text field for filtering is asy fonts text. Then you could have the font-s listed with their name first, possibly other properties (selectable from "view" menu and/or preferably also frrom settings), followedby example text. This data would be presented as table, where you could automatictally identify both the name and the style of the font on each row, instead of relative large boxes in a grid wdth one Large and anotther small version of same letter A; which tells mostly nothing about the font. When you open a font, it could show a window with area like this screenshot, but you could also switch it to area with "Ipsum lorem...." thing in the size that user can select. On the right side the window you could have all metadata and other relevant data shown in clear way. All these pieces could be copied by plain text or as RTF to keep font & formatting. You should also be able to rewrite the contet of show text area. In the bottom there could be a button to launch Character Picker, if possible with this application. That's pretty much it, for what comes to mind anyway. This one really sucks.

iosonoscrive 9 years ago

yes ok

jahid_0903014 10 years ago
