
User level public file sharing via WebDAV
  5 reviews

Gnome-user-share is a small package that allows easy user-level file sharing via WebDAV. The shared files are announced on the network by Avahi.
Latest reviews
tuganetworks 5 years ago

Não funciona no Linux Mint 19.3 x64

mik007san 6 years ago

This app does not work/appear on LMv19 Cinnamon

jcxz100 10 years ago

I did not notice any trouble from having this installed (I'm on Mint 17 64bit Cinnamon) - but it *is* meant for GNOME 2 (i.e. MATE), not for Cinnamon; so drawing from the experiences I've had with other GNOME 2 tools (that messed up part of my config), I uninstalled it because I didn't really need it anyway.

ptrbenj 13 years ago

You can easily received files from bluetooth devices. Wonderful library !!!

gianpv 13 years ago

on Lxde this package lets you receive files from other device