
graphical or console backgammon program with analysis
  19 reviews

GNU Backgammon is a strong backgammon program (world-class with a bearoff database installed) usable either as an engine by other programs or as a standalone backgammon game. In addition to supporting simple play, it also has extensive analysis features, a tutor mode, adjustable difficulty, and support for exporting annotated games. It can be played either from a GTK+ graphical interface, optionally with a 3D board, or from a simple text console.
Latest reviews
Pistolprinsen 8 months ago

This game cheats - there is no way the dice will fall as they do in real life, or any reasonal player will play on future throws as this game does!

bOsO 1 year ago


rwmich 3 years ago

Dice cheats. Multiple times I would be way ahead, then it rolls multiple doubles like 5 or 6 in the last 8 rolls. Not a one time thing- happens many times.

groldman 4 years ago

Endorse TF23 review - if you want to win, set program to lower skill level or play for a few years and hope to get better

TF23 5 years ago

Superb! Exceptionally strong play & analysis from 'Expert' level upwards. Those who are suspicious of the dice rolls should read the section in the manual headed

gazomaker 6 years ago

Ok,, I very rarely give 1 or 5 stars so GNU Backgammon gets 2. I played 50 matches @ best of 7 points.. I won 3! Yes only 3. The program hits perfect dice around 93%. I'll get 15% if I'm lucky.. Serioulsy. If you want a laugh and enjoy getting Crushed constantly then this is the game for you... Have fun.

thetekkie 9 years ago

Does seem to be extraordinarily lucky and seems to cheat especially when bearing off. It will through a double six and only take 2 or 3 to avoid leaving a piece exposed.

mrbios 9 years ago

very confusing but does have cool / useful features.

JCH2 10 years ago

I have been playing backgammon for almost 35 years, including in tournement; aside from one notorious / obvious Android version, I have never faced a real opponent that was this lucky on the rolls. Bye-bye.

FifthWorldPulse 10 years ago

Excellent and thank you for making a great backgammon game.

aldano 11 years ago


seifenprinz 12 years ago

das einzigste das man spielen kann auf deutsch, spiele es sehr gerne ab und zu mal,auch online fähig

efthialex 13 years ago

Και ταβλάκι το Linux ;)

steve470 13 years ago

Fantastic for beginner through expert, and amazing graphical choices. Tiny complaint: tutor mode suggests some really weird moves occasionally.

Malcul 13 years ago

Frustratingly good, hard to beat, but not impossible!

Patty 13 years ago

The best BG game I've seen. Tutor mode is great for learning or improving skills.

ludentico 14 years ago


gotjazz 14 years ago

awesome "game" (more like tool) - lots and lots of functions, top-notch bg engine. Hard as hell on higher "levels"

thx1138 14 years ago

DAS Backgammon-Programm unter Linux. Naja, irgendwie doof, wenn das ausgerechnet ein Backgammon-Freak schreibt.