Instalei diretamente do site do Google Chrome e está funcionando muito bem. Até agora sem problemas.
I like this browser. Just takes too much RAM when you have multiple tabs opened, but it's not LM issue.
Why can't i update my chrome without reinstalling? not even from the software manager (which still has the old version). reinstalling means downloading from chrome, installing alongside the old version, signing in to everything anew. as if i never used chrome before. add to that i'm left with TWO intallations of chrome on my computer.
Die Beta-Version ist auf Dauer keine gute Lösung weil : zu aufwändig und zu langsam - da die Stable-Variante regelmäßige Updates anbietet , was den Browser insgesamt stabiler und zuverlässiger macht - bin ich zu dieser zurückgekehrt und bin damit äußerst zufrieden
Bad MoJo on a 2.5Ghz, 4GB HP minitop running Mint 5.4.0-88 generic. Slow as a insestual child. Drove me insane. Moved to Opera. Much happier. A up to date "faster" system would surly masked my issue. So speeders may not notice. But for us clock challenged folk - KILL ME NOW. I tried Brave but now believe it's Chrome in sheep's clothing. A hand full of OS installs and waving a dead squirrel over my head 3x did not help. Opera (after some tweaking) is looking good. Getting ready to torch Chrome. None to soon. Wish me luck!
It's very slow, it hangs a lot, it wants to force us to update to a newer version because of the new floc thing, it takes ages to start up, uBlock origin doesn't work on it anymore (it doesn't block youtube adds anymore), plus a bunch of other problems related to Google the company.
Chrome collects private data and hogs system resources while doing so. Brave is the best browser for speed, functionality, stability and privacy.
Pretty decent web browser, with integration with google services. If you would like an open source alternative, however, I would recommend Chromium, which can be found in the Software Manager.
Not sure where the "stable" moniker comes from. Nothing stable in v86.0.4240.183
I am normally a fan of this but as of today, updated yesterday I think, it completely distorts the screen so that it is impossible to use. I have to switch back to Chromium to post this. I can give you a screenshot of the problem if you tell me how.
Mouse wheel scroll switches tabs when the cursor is on top of any tabs. And after many hours of research apparently there's no way to disable this behavior! Using chrome in both Linux and Windows machine for as long as I can remember (mainly for the smooth sync feature). And this issue hasn't been fixed even in 2020! Good bye. there're many new browsers available better than this.
Good, effective, well designed browser; however the slowness and data mining made me switch to Brave