
complete batch renamer for Linux
  20 reviews

GPRename is a complete batch renamer for files and directories. It can easily replace, remove, insert, delete, and number consecutively files and directories using a graphical interface (GUI).
Latest reviews
Mais1Mano 2 years ago

Funciona mas... Não cria ícone no lançador do Cinnamon. Ou vc cria na unha nas opções do lançador ou executa pelo terminal gprename

alexrsj 2 years ago

Works great in Mint 20.3 (Cinnamon)! But the version in the "Mint Software Manager" is outdated (2014).There are some easy steps on the official website to install the latest version (from 2022)

Medina 3 years ago

Excelente! Atendeu minhas necessitades.

beckfield 3 years ago

much less capable than pyRenamer. Too many missing features.

mib_7opnwb 3 years ago

No longer works on Linux Mint 20.1 Cinnamon

raptor 4 years ago

Just open Nemo, Edit, Preferences, Behavior and at the bottom were it says Bulk renaming type in gprename in the box. and when you pick more than one object to change their names in nemo, gprename starts

SebastJava 4 years ago

Can’t find it? If so, type "gprename" in your Terminal to open it. Better: add this to your Applications menu.Vous ne le trouvez pas? Alors tapez "gprename" dans le Terminal. Mieux: ajoutez-le à votre menu Applications.

kobiyashi 4 years ago

This version is outdated, please update to the latest version: it has fixed the problem where you couldn't enter into a mounted drive. A crucial feature!

JimmiVP 4 years ago

Just what i was looking for! One problem is no launch icon, hope it gets fixed. Workaround: Launch it from softwaremanager and pin it to taskbar or make a shortcut from /usr/bin/

Uncle_Squishy 5 years ago

No launch icon, can't see my external storage. Utter garbage.

kelick 5 years ago

After install, doesn't have an icon in start menu Linux Mint 9.2 Cinnamon

Moem 5 years ago

Easy enough to use, and can save a lot of time. Suitable for newcomers and the CLI averse.

overkill22 6 years ago

Cannot use pattern like in pyrenamer. You can't rename the entire name, only add/remove/change characters.

j0nn0 6 years ago

Cannot browse to my external drives mounted on /media/ so no good for me as that's where most of my media files are.

mdavies5 6 years ago

Mint19 repo does not include pyrenamer but thisis a worthy successor. Love the preview function to avoid costly errors. Only minor problem it did not create a menu item in Cinnamon but did include a nice menu icon.

gabriele 8 years ago

Su linux mint 18 mate non esce nel menù applicazioni e non mi vede le partizioni

lib2know 8 years ago

good bulk renaming tool, where pyrename is still ahead

marfig 9 years ago

Without the ability to perform recursive renames, this tool is largely unnecessary

nartan 9 years ago

Excelente aplicación de renombrado masivo

JCH2 9 years ago

alittle better than other like utilities, but this need is area where linux has fallen behind in utilities and filemanager features.