
personal finance management program
  9 reviews

Grisbi is a personal accounting program. Grisbi can handle multiple accounts, currencies and users. It helps you manage your money using third party, expenditure and receipt categories, as well as budgetary lines, financial years, and other information that makes it adapted for both personal and associative accounting.

Grisbi can import accounts from QIF, OFX and Gnucash files. It can print reports using LaTeX or export them via HTML.
Latest reviews
mohican 7 months ago

I use it with satisfaction for associative accounting. Input of the category of the transaction could be improved (I can't remember them)

gordon3913 1 year ago

Easy to use for a simple home/business account. Reports are basic and easy to understand.

Tomi1980 7 years ago

remek program

MelW 10 years ago

I used to use KmyMoney but this is faster, lighter and does everything I need.

jcoles 11 years ago

Could not import QIF data. CPU endlessly 100% with grisbi unresponsive. Kill. Remove. NEXT!

shishirvarde 11 years ago

really good app

nicoperry 12 years ago

Complet sans être compliqué, idéal pour gérer ses comptes personnel

captcool 12 years ago

This is actually very good for small business, no double entry to try to understand. Excellent

fleiber 13 years ago

I have been using Grisbi for almost 7 years, and even though it's not the most "flashy" software I know, it is simple and efficient for my personal day-to-day accounting, which is exactly what I need!