Nice program. The source site link (sourceforge atm) is broken. Probably needs updating to github
Works great in 20.3 Cinnamon. Thanks! Also just tried nemo-gtkhash which adds similar/same functionality to nemo file properties.
Works as it should, lightweight, and is intuitive. Couldn't ask for A a better hash checker!
Almost Perfect! Need save view state after app restart. Thank you for list view and dnd!!
good easy tool to preform quick check case vlaue are differnet then u can try manually to decide whether downloaded file was having issue or "gtkhash " application far this tool has given corret values to me
bestes Hash Werkzeug - unzählige Hashmethoden - mit gtkhash-nemo auch im Dateibrowser und mit Rechtsklick im Reiter einsehbar
very usefull hashing tool - thanks to devs! could you integrate a function that it calculates hashes when started?
A must have for us Android Flashaholics. I like this program more than the windows variants I used before making the jump to Linux. Nice app.