
removable media catalog manager
  4 reviews

GWhere allows you to manage a catalog of your CDs and any other removable media (such as hard disks, floppy disks, Zip disks, CD-ROMs, etc...) indexed in a database. With GWhere it is easy to browse your CDs or to make a quick search without needing to insert each CD one after another.
Latest reviews
raksimihaly 10 years ago

egész jó, sajnos a inkább optikai lemezek, nem változó médiákra használható. Merevlemezre próbáltam, hiányolom a frissítés funkciót!

cirx 12 years ago

"intuitive interface" is sheer nonsense. You'd have to figure out via google how to operate the thing. Those who did didn't appear impressed either.

B_Tide 13 years ago

il miglio programma che abbia utilizzato per catalogare supporti rimovibili, peccato che richieda risorse estreme!

Qruqs 14 years ago

It works, but has some very annoying behaviours, like it doesn't understand when the CD/DVD is changed, unless you restart the program, when searching you cannot with ease go to the found item, etc. Seems it's isn't finished. Too bad, has potential.