
Editor for OpenStreetMap
  10 reviews

JOSM is an editor for OpenStreetMap (OSM) written in Java. The current version supports stand alone GPX tracks, GPX track data from OSM database and existing nodes, line segments and metadata tags from the OSM database.

OpenStreetMap is a project aimed squarely at creating and providing free geographic data such as street maps to anyone who wants them. The project was started because most maps you think of as free actually have legal or technical restrictions on their use, holding back people from using them in creative, productive or unexpected ways.
Latest reviews
zack 1 year ago

It's perfect for editing openstreetmap maps, I can finally use this software without having to download it from a third party site

webwrx 5 years ago

Great software for all OSM enthusiasts, but this links to a very old version that does not work!! Get a more recent working version by following their repository install instructions (for Ubuntu / 'Other Debian') and the current stable (tested) version should work just fine. 5/5 for JOSM, 1/5 for Software Manager outdated link and no apparent way of reporting/fixing it.

SwitchedToMint 6 years ago

Can't run. Please fix. Seems to do with "no valid JVM found". This is because the josm version here is too old

Mirecnet 9 years ago


percherie 11 years ago

Il est fortement recommandé d'utiliser la dernière version officiel depuis un dépôt externe

sathish-gisbiz 11 years ago

good thing

arvislacis 11 years ago

Very good editor for OpenStreetMap data editing.

prjolivet 12 years ago

Bonne application, contribuez au projet OSM !

c1pr1an 12 years ago

best editor OpenStreetMap

Coilans 13 years ago

Fairly easy openstreet map editor