
Translate words from one language to another
  3 reviews

Translate words and should support any language. it comes with a plugin system to ease the addition of new dictionaries.

the main idea behind ktranslator is to translate a word without disturbing the application in use. so, when the user click with the mouse's right button on a word while pressing ctrl key, ktranslator will try to translate the word and show the result in a popup window. it behaves like babylon for windows.

screenshot: http://www.eriberto.pro.br/debian/screenshots/ktranslator.jpg
Latest reviews
zaenal1234 14 years ago

do not function properly.

Elisa 14 years ago

It's strange and still not sure how to use it or live with that...

liberal 14 years ago

it requires a terminal to work .. you don't find it in program menu