
Simple text editor forked from Leafpad
  2 reviews

Simple GTK+ text editor that emphasizes simplicity. As development focuses on keeping weight down to a minimum, only the most essential features are implemented in the editor. L3afpad is simple to use, is easily compiled, requires few libraries, and starts up quickly.
Latest reviews
yousif 10 months ago

Ngl this text editor is so underrated, I really recommend yall to install it.

n0body_special 1 year ago

I love this little text editor. I'm surprised it is so unfamous. Just double click a text file, and it opens in a millisecond. Just open, save, print and find-replace functions. Only preference is to change the font used. No syntax / spell checking, no sidebars, no projects to start, no tabs, no useless stuff nobody asked for. Just click multiple times, open multiple windows, copy paste from one to another ultra-fast and effectively. If you are looking for a windows notepad on linux, this is it.