
office productivity suite -- database
  13 reviews

LibreOffice is a full-featured office productivity suite that provides a near drop-in replacement for Microsoft(R) Office.

This package contains the database component for LibreOffice.
Latest reviews
whitetiger2 6 years ago

Users beware i found PUA virus in the templates.

cryptor 9 years ago

Pesado, lento... no es alternativa para crear una base de datos ni siquiera doméstica.

fotonix 9 years ago

Not in the default LibreOffice. Only shows one DB type on opening - HSQLDB Embedded, and cnnpot connect to newly created file. Here is hoping for Office 5 with Mint 17.3. Very disappointing. [I have 20 years+ experience in high end DB, this product deserves a Lord Torvalds torrent]

iosonoscrive 9 years ago

Very good

arno08 9 years ago

Très bonne suite bureautique

LinuxMinz 9 years ago

The programming language is pretty awful.

sigurd1701 9 years ago

Best & Free! But why it isn't in the default installation of the LibreOffice package is beyond understanding

flasdik 10 years ago

Not so good functional and optimization.

spammeaccount 10 years ago

Why this is no longer included by default is beyond me. The launcher still has an entry for it. It embarrassed me when I went to show someone libre could also do databases

ravenheart 11 years ago

Base is a great front-end for any database like HSQL, MYSQL, etc, BUT you MUST use a split format for stability. Make sure you lookup the free templates online (they're actually in the forums, created by users Villeroy & DACM) for creating your databases in split format. Make sure you know the difference between embedded & split databases before you begin working. Split databases are not default, but give you rock-solid stability.

Ahmad_istakim 11 years ago

like it

librelegal 13 years ago

LibreOffice is very reliable and updated regularly - I use it everyday for business purposes and am very impressed. Beste Office-Suite, regelmäßige Updates, nutzerorientiert, Kompatibilität auch mit MS-Office und und obendrein eine neuartige Stiftung, die jedem Aktiven die Mitwirkung/Mitbestimmung erlaubt und garantiert

winlinuser 13 years ago

What works is good but there are stability issues. Some tutorial material is out of date / incorrect. It's no Ms Access but I like it and will continue using it. Looking forward to future developments.