
office productivity suite -- arch-dependent files
  4 reviews

LibreOffice is a full-featured office productivity suite that provides a near drop-in replacement for Microsoft(R) Office.

This package contains the architecture-dependent core files of LibreOffice. See the libreoffice package for more information.
Latest reviews
forever-and-a-day 1 year ago

The version from this source ( when the latest version is is very out of date and is no longer maintained. Install the flatpak version instead.

MarkB 11 years ago

I use it every day, but there are many compatability issues with Micro$oft office. For me, the main one is VBA code often needs a re-write to use. Having said that, these are also issues between different major versions of M$ Office. However, a compatability module would be good. That would encourage corporates to move into open source. Especially if a M$ like skin, mainly for menu items, could be wrapped around it.

mannyjk 11 years ago

Works good and does what it needs to do. I still prefer Open Office

librelegal 13 years ago

LibreOffice is very reliable and updated regularly - I use it everyday for business purposes and am very impressed. Beste Office-Suite, regelmäßige Updates, nutzerorientiert, Kompatibilität auch mit MS-Office und und obendrein eine neuartige Stiftung, die jedem Aktiven die Mitwirkung/Mitbestimmung erlaubt und garantiert