
SIP softphone - graphical client
  20 reviews

Linphone is an audio and video internet phone using the SIP protocol. It has a GTK+ and console interface, includes a large variety of audio and video codecs, and provides IM features.

The main features of linphone are:
- a nice graphical interface;
- it includes a large variety of codecs with different quality / bandwidths;
- it uses the well-known and standardised SIP protocol.
Latest reviews
pierre_de_cambrai 3 years ago

Fonctionne 1 à 2 mn, pendant les tests (vidéo entre Android et Mint 19.2, Kernel: 4.15.0 , Cinnamon 4.2.4) mais inutilisable en pratique.Un peu mieux sans vidéo, mais un simple téléphone le fait tout aussi bien.

AlC-Cville 4 years ago

No English Man or info, and essentially zero user help for fields and their usage. Created account using website, as the gui could not do it nor give info about what it expected. Result: very like MSDOS edlin! Guess & cross fingers. Tried man page and info, both appear to be in a Slavic language, but my system default is english. Will try to submit bug report on this failure to install the correct language man and info pages.

Armanix 8 years ago

Works fine :)

nosch 8 years ago

Since LinuxMint18 I have to use UDP insted of TCP (Port 5060 error message). After new login it works!

xnadal 9 years ago

crash in linux mint 17.1 Rebecca

fussler 9 years ago

please fix linphone port 5060 issue I am on 17.2. tried for 4 hours.xfce and cinnamon :(

frank_orellana 9 years ago

doesnt't work quite ok, when closing it will reamain active and block other voip programs, quite buggy on Mint 17.2 Cinnamon

roots 9 years ago

it s great! and not spying onus like skype!

grufos 10 years ago

Отличная программа! Всё получилось с первого раза. Пробовал несколько других программ. Только эта заработала с моим SIUP провайдером. Я использую freevoipdeal провайдера

Frugivore 10 years ago

I previously wasn't a fan at all but I re-tried a recent version (v.3.6 on Linux Mint 17 Qiana, XFCE) and most issues seem to be solved. You can call and text and keep records of both. You can also record the calls. Beware that it keeps history on a file in the HOME folder. With my not-so-fast connection the quality of the calls was good.

robertorsc 10 years ago

Até agora muito bom, faz o prometido, minha alternativa ao softphone VONO Linux

OttoZ 10 years ago

Arbeitet perfekt mit sipgate und 4 Rufnummer zugleich von mehreren Geräten / Systemen, die Menueführung ist etwas hakelig.

menta1789 11 years ago

muy libre y mejor que skype

theStreak 11 years ago

Works well for me on Linux Mint 15.

schmoove 11 years ago

mint x64 mate: easy to setup, great sound quality, nice interface. Recommended!

zubatac 11 years ago

It's Perfect !!!

y4kydyk 11 years ago

Легко привязывается учётка Сипнета (для звонков на обычные телефоны), а для звонков на SIP вообще не нужна никакая учётка - просто вводишь любые данные отбалды, и звонишь через 5 сек после установки.

Senny 11 years ago

Samsung NC110. Works out of the box, webcam, sound. Thanks to developers!

LeanderPL 12 years ago

Works Great! Actually on Linux Mint 13 MATE!

kip- 13 years ago

whoohoo works perfect and easy to setup