
rsync-based GUI data backup utility
  20 reviews

LuckyBackup is an application that backs-up and/or synchronizes any directories with the power of rsync. Its main features are: backup, safety, synchronization, exclude/only include options, allows custom rsync options, remote connections, restore and dry-run operations, scheduling, profiles and command line mode.

It is simple to use, fast (transfers over only changes made and not all data), safe (keeps your data safe by checking all declared directories before proceeding in any data manipulation ), reliable and fully customizable.
Latest reviews
Klausur 9 months ago

It does what I want to do it, its fast and I succeded in restoring data. You just have to accept that it does not follow links.

Str8gamE 1 year ago

- unable to backup single files (i wanted to backup my .bashrc file for example)- the select directory dialogs do not display my external hard drives so I'm not able to backup anything at all with this program

peekpoke 1 year ago

installed today, LM 20.3 Cinnamon, Kernel 5.4.0-153-generic x86_64 bits. Working in a DualBoot with W10 (whereas LM is my preferred OS) I have a data drive shared with LM and W10. I do use it to backup my LM home folder and config. If you c&v the path to any drive and enter it when asked for source data it will work perfect. User interface is in english, did not check whether a localization is available in german. Self explaining. So even if not maintained it's fast and reliable working.

Minicowman 3 years ago

Kind of useless.. I have a second hard drive installed in my desktop box. This program doesn't see it. Odd.. that 2nd drive works for everything else. If you fix the ability to back up to a different drive, you might have a hit. Otherwise.. Buh-bye luckybackup.

Plopp 3 years ago

This is truely amazing... not only does it seem to work very smoothly (just tested it, no issues so far) but it's supposedly also quite powerful (and matches/adapts to [? I'm new] my black theme perfectly)!! Whoever you are, i love you (wo)man :)

Otto17 3 years ago

Вроде не плохая оболочка + Русифицирована + можно легко скопировать готовой код для командной строки и использовать для скриптов

DiscoTheWeasel 3 years ago

As stated below, it is no longer being supported. Also the app doesn't do well with dark theme. That being said, it is a very thorough and detailed app. It does work and with an update it's a program I might use.

gregzeng 4 years ago

Tedious to setup the first time. Not really WYSIWYG, with dragging the icons onto the target boxes. So many endless mouse clicks, compared to other basckup options. When I first used it years ago, I was thrilled, because it was fast. Then I used other options (detailed later). Surprised that my preferred option on Windows is nowavailable as a Flatpak, here on Linux. Now using my preferred Linux, based on Ubuntu. This time, it seems that Linux FX (a Windows work-alike) might be better than Mint. FX uses so manyCinnamon parts, but is easier for Windows users like myself. Reach a Luckybackup "fault", where if the backup has not enough space, it goes on endlessly, in a never ending loop.

DarrenG 4 years ago

Development has been frozen. last update was in 2018.

jona 4 years ago

Works perfectly well, not complicated, handles incremental changes reliably, does what it says on the tin, great!

VesAlex 4 years ago

Не запускается на mint 20.04

dev0 5 years ago

Outdated design, link in menu was broken. I have not found this more useful than rsync+crontab

yamahacrazy 6 years ago

complicated to set up for inexperienced users. needs to have a drag and drop style way to include folders like a disk burning utility does

TrumblebumSky 6 years ago

Worked better than the basic backup provided by Linux Mint's default installation - which failed to backup or even indicate a capacity to backup. This worked well and moved 26GB in 44 min over a standard USB hub connected to an external linked drive

jjwi 7 years ago

Very useful program. It took a little while to understand it, but now I am successfully using it for my daily and weekly back-ups.

thefritz 8 years ago

Clean and functional GUI. Great job, Lucky!

ideosky 8 years ago

Works well, but didn't exclude the files/folders as foreseen in the syncjob

nbk7 8 years ago

works great: automated, daily Backups/Syncs from NAS to local drives: not a problem with this tool

cutano 8 years ago

Great backup tool!

Mintonite 8 years ago

Luckybackup, where have you been all my life? This is exactly the kind of backup I always wanted but never found on windows. Simple and fast, took me like 30 sek to start backing up. I have been using Cobian Backup before and never used it because it was just a pain.