
video game preservation platform
  20 reviews

Lutris helps you install and play video games from all eras and from most gaming systems. By leveraging and combining existing emulators, engine re-implementations and compatibility layers, it gives you a central interface to launch all your games.
Latest reviews
EdgiestSugar532 3 months ago

v0.5.14-2 < v0.5.18, so use the one on GitHub:

rothman 4 months ago

Amazing support, must have for Linux Gaming! >> IMPORTANT << use LATEST .deb from:

shuvankardash 9 months ago

in 2024 Lutris helped me to play old Windows games like, Tomb raider, Prince of persia COD, NFS, Splinter cell and many more. from (2000 to 2018) almost 80-90% game will run if perfectly installed.

FreezyKaif 10 months ago

It Doesnt Work. Epic Games login does not work, it is an outdated version. Install the flatpak version which works absolutely fine.

henfredemars 1 year ago

DO NOT USE! Outdated and buggy. You will run into a game you need a newer release to fix, and you'll have to reinstall all your games. Save time now and get the flatpak. You want the flatpak version.

Mellthas 1 year ago

Logged to GoG, but the GOG line just kept in endless loop "loading". Had to uninstall and get the Flatpack. In size it is also big difference. System package has circa 400MB, Flatpack has nearly 2 GB.

Cyndekai 1 year ago

Use the flatpak version. This version is very out-of-date and not working well AT ALL. It's INCREDIBLY slow.

Vetmatcpp 1 year ago

Won't install epic games, and won't login to it either, use the flatpak version!

twitom26 2 years ago

use the flatpak for the latest release, these older versions have bugs to the point where I can't even launch a single game, it just gets stuck on "launching" but never ends up doing anything.

Seto 2 years ago

Pressing the 'play' button, doesn't even start.. it's stuck at a loading loop. It's a known bug, and on their git page they said they fixed it. Well yeah, I can see how much they fixed it.

MamaQuackers 2 years ago

I had so much trouble with Wine and different things using the terminal trying to get my games to work. Im new to Linux so I was trying but something wasnt going well, until I used this. it fixed the Wine, it retrieved my games from steam, origin, and it made it so I can play MTG Arena. I am so grateful, and it works great!

PiBob 2 years ago

For Hearthstone disable Esync in Game-Options. It's awesome to game on Linux.

sokkel 2 years ago

If you cannot start games from Lutris directly, maybe disabeling Lutris runtime in settings/global options might work for you too. I dont know wether this runtime libs are needed for some cool stuff, but with having them activated I can hardly start anything from within Lutris.

Einhornyordle 2 years ago

FYI You can install a newer .deb package via the official lutris github on the releases page.

Eksploranto 2 years ago

When will version 0.5.11 for Linux Mint come out? The store only has this version in flatpak. I didn't want to reinstall all my games.

alejandrotch 2 years ago


JimmiVP 3 years ago

This made me uninstall Windows. I only had windows because of games :)

Olomee 4 years ago

Took me some time to get to understand how to make wine and all work. This tool and the website make it 'easy' to install and run stuff. Recent wine verions are really doing great. The managing of wine versions and configuration of wine prefix folders plus the few graphic enabling options are handy. Was able to custom install some recent games (Gog 2020) and make them work when couldn't with just wine. Makes linux and distros great at native gaming even when not deved for us. All our bases...

famaral 4 years ago

It is not perfect. But sure helps people like me. I manage to install Magic Arena. And some GOG games like Battle Realms: Winter of the Wolf, Diablo (with devolution), Simcity 2000, Theme Hospital (with CorsixTH). All nice and easy. Show de bola!

blamster19 4 years ago

Awesome platform, saves a lot of time setting up games through Wine!