This program is awesome, but the distro for LinuxMint is quite old and buggy with some of the extra libs included. In particular i need the lapack for working with eigenvals and eigenvectros but the load command fails. load(lapack); loadfile: failed to load /usr/share/maxima/5.37.2/share/lapack/load-lapack.lisp The searchs in the web told me that this and other bugs related with packs have been fixed in the last realeases. Currrent release is 5.39. It is possible to install a newer release the the 5.37? If yes, how?
Maxima is command line. So if you're wondering why nothing happened after install, open your terminal and type 'maxima'. Install wxmaxima for the gui version.
In Symbolic calculations seems to be better that matlab, it reduces the expressions at some amasing leves, much more than matlab!!