
GTK+ image viewer for comic books
  8 reviews

MComix is an user-friendly, customizable image viewer. It is specifically designed to handle comic books, but also serves as a generic viewer. It reads images in ZIP, RAR, 7Zip or tar archives as well as plain image files. It is written in Python and uses GTK+ through the PyGTK bindings, and runs on both Linux and Windows.

MComix is a fork of the Comix project, and aims to add bug fixes and stability improvements after Comix development came to a halt in late 2009.

MComix3 is a fork of the MComix project (of gtk3 branch), which port MComix to python3.
Latest reviews
Drizzle 2 years ago

Works well, has a clean and clear UI and seems pretty user friendly. Unfortunately, I would like to use it for multipage tiff files, which it does not support.

tttt 4 years ago

installs without problems on Mint 20 for me and reading comics works flawless.

FinderX 4 years ago

Is not workin in Linux Mint 20.0 , [MainThread] ERROR: Required PyGTK version is: 2.12.0 or higher , [MainThread] ERROR: No version of PyGTK was found on your system. , [MainThread] ERROR: This error might be caused by missing GTK+ libraries.

calhaus 9 years ago

The very best! Simple, lightweight, easy to use and good costumizations options. Yacreader is the second best, but lacks the zoom shortcuts and the view modes customization.

signatux 9 years ago

Continúa allí donde Comix se quedó. Actualizado, soporta numerosos formatos e idiomas, y como ya se ha dicho en otros comentarios, lee incluso archivos con contraseña. Elijo Mcomix, sin duda.

Rindo 10 years ago

just perfect.

topper 10 years ago

Es bastante bueno. Como visor, puedes abrir también archivos que tengan contraseña (al estilo de CDisplayEx), característica que no tiene Comix.

Ion_ore 10 years ago

Much superior to Comix, which hasn't seen an update in 5 years. MComix can open PDF's and passworded archives, for example, and has more translations.