
lightweight DLNA/UPnP-AV server targeted at embedded systems
  12 reviews

MiniDLNA (aka ReadyDLNA) is server software with the aim of being fully compliant with DLNA/UPnP-AV clients.

The minidlna daemon serves media files (music, pictures, and video) to clients on your network. Example clients include applications such as totem and Kodi (xbmc), and devices such as portable media players, smartphones, and televisions (common part of SmartTV kit).

MiniDLNA is a simple, lightweight alternative to mediatomb, but has fewer features. It does not have a web interface for administration and must be configured by editing a text file.
Latest reviews
beerninja 5 months ago

BEWARE: clicking uninstall to get rid of this program DOES NOT uninstall it. It continues to run the server and my DLNA devices on my network continue to detect it running. I have yet to figure out how to turn it off. sudo service minidlna stop DOES NOT stop it.

benben2frenchie 4 years ago

merci ! fonctionne sur mint 20.1, vraiment facile à installer !

Valday 4 years ago

(Linux Mint 19.3) Для работы отредактируйте файл /etc/minidlna.conf, раскоментируйте строку media_dir=V,/первый/путь/к_видео и укажите путь к вашему видеоархиву.

webwrx 6 years ago

A bit of stuffing around to set up, but advanced-intermediate users should be okay. Just follow the MiniDLNA Community Help wiki. Ensure you allow incoming connections in your Firewall config (the firewall in Mint 19 has a preset MiniDLNA rule profile you just need to add). Also if your media library lives on an external hard drive, you need to mount the drive at startup (start - pref - disks, select drive and partition, edit mount options, mount at startup) - and use the full /mnt/USB-blahblahblahblah location as the library location in the miniDLNA config. Goodluck.

allanrdts 8 years ago

Works perfectly to serve media to all devices in my house.

pedro9 9 years ago

Why isn't avaliable?? I need it.

peterpeter 9 years ago

It isn't available now

tanuki 10 years ago

Could not stream a 720p mp4 video to a PS3 without stopping every 7 seconds or so to buffer for several seconds. Unwatchable. Other DLNA servers on same network do not stutter at all. Also does not generate media thumbnails for the client properly. Version 1.0.24.

picassoz 10 years ago

Works very well syncing mp3 media files to my Nexus in tandem with the BubbleUpPnP app.

robi052 12 years ago

Block every few seconds and load movie

abadbronc 12 years ago

Works perfectly to serve media to all devices in my house. Windows laptops, xbox 360's, android phones. Perfect.

felixculpa 13 years ago

Lightweight, not that hard to set up. Works perfectly for streaming to my PS3. There is even a cute penguin for the server icon on the client side! Never had any problems with this.