
write .img and .iso files to USB sticks
  11 reviews

A GUI to write .img or .iso files to a USB Key. It can also format them.
Latest reviews
n0body_special 3 years ago

It does NOT create UEFI-compatible usb sticks. Moreover, it does NOT clarify that. If you download, you will never find out why your usb stick is not booting. I lost 2 days of my life trying to figure out. Other usb boot programs come in UEFI and non-UEFI versions. Do NOT download, and uninstall the already installed version. UPDATE: In Mint 20.1, indeed it does create UEFI-compatible USB sticks

zeroconf 3 years ago

I can confirm, that under Linux Mint 20.1 Cinnamon (64-bit), I was able to write UEFI-compatible USB stick. Wrote also Linux Mint 20.1 ISO-files (Cinnamon, MATE, XFCE).

cmoi 7 years ago

Fait très bien ce pour quoi il a été crée :)

Felladrin 8 years ago

Worked as expected for creating a bootable Linux Mint USB. Note that it creates a partition with the exactly space required for Mint live cd. No space left. But, after installing mint, you can format it to recover the full space. Don't worry,

snowrussia 8 years ago

some bugs (monoDev need 2 install separatly)... but anyway thnx 4 personal version

iosonoscrive 8 years ago


beerninja 9 years ago

Doesn't work with windows ISOs and half the time I use it for a linux ISO my bios doesn't recognize it as bootable. Use unetbootin instead. Or if you're in windows use Rufus. Hopefully one day someone will port Rufus to linux.

Velimor 9 years ago

It create Zentyal 4.0 usb drive, but it doesn`t bootable.

ShadowWolf 9 years ago

Best USB Image Writer I have ever used between Winhoes and Linux [I have used over 2300 of em] Glad I could get to use this tool :)

annoyingduck 10 years ago

Great tool. The formatter handles my needs perfectly and easily, while the image writer easily handles "most" distros. Better than the other usb tools I've used - nice work.

jahid_0903014 10 years ago

Not so good, It rendered my usb unusable after making it bootable. So I am still sticking with unetbootin. And another problem is, it can't detect multiple partition on usb, Actually what I would want from it to install to a second partition like (sdb2) in a usb like I am able to do with unetbootin