
spaced repetition flash-card program
  4 reviews

The Mnemosyne software resembles a traditional flash-card program to help you memorise question/answer pairs, but with an important twist: it uses a sophisticated algorithm to schedule the best time for an item to come up for review. Difficult items that you tend to forget quickly will be scheduled more often, while Mnemosyne won't waste your time on things you remember well.
Latest reviews
n0body_special 3 years ago

Did not install in Mint 20.2. Installation finishes, program appears in start menu, I click, nothing happens. Running from terminal, I get: An unexpected error has occurred. Please forward the following info to the developers: Traceback (innermost last): File

BigJonMCMLXX 5 years ago

It installed with out any problems (linux Mint, aug2019). So far i like what i see. Good interface, easy to use, some extra features, shared decks, etc. I'm still a newbie, but so far so good...

Morgorth 12 years ago

Very good program to memorize pictures (for example chemical structures), vocabulary etc.

bwel 12 years ago
